Twenty four

261 9 67

Sorry about the shit chapters recently ;_;  well who am I kidding sorry about this book >:,)

We made our way back to John and Paul. Both flustered, sweaty, and still horæ [JWHSHDH] we walked around the beach holding hands until we started approaching where the other guys where.

Then letting go of each other, we casually walked to our towels like nothing had happened. Sitting down and quietly pushing the sand that lay beneath our towels around mindlessly.

"Where'd you two lads head off to?" Paul asked almost too knowingly.

Both of us started at each other.

Saying nothing for a second until John smirked a said. "Oh I know what them two piss rockets have been off doing."
John moaned impersonating George which caused both him and Paul to erupt into fits of hysterical laughter.

They sat frozen. Faces red as tomatoes. Unable to move until Ringo let out a tiny giggle. George visibly offended, lightly smacked Ringo on his bOttOm. "Ouch!" Ringo frowned and continued to smile whilst rubbing the spot he was hit.

George adjusted his posture and straightened his shirt. Puffing his chest up and holding his hands to his hips. "Well it's not like we didn't here you two gits shagging from the other side of the beach!"
Paul and John to both fell silent. "That's right don't think we didn't hear you two screaming some things worthy of a good laugh." Ringo jumped in.
"Oh..Paul...sweet Paul..George laughed between phrases.  "Your lips are so soft I'd love to kiss you till the end of time."

It was now George and Ringo's turn to laugh.

Both John and Paul where visibly flustered and looked rather embarrassed.

"Yeah yeah whatever you nits. Gather your things we're outta here." Paul huffed collecting his things before heading back to the car.

George rolled his eyes and followed behind John. Ringo grabbing hold of George's hand and leaving.

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