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Following week was a total hell for both of them.

George didn't want to care about the whole incident and he mostly managed to at first. But being around Ringo was getting more and more awkward.

He was genuinely pissed because he wasn't even able to play with him anymore. George didn't want to avoid Ringo at all. But it surely looked like it.

He got unbelievably nervous around him and his stomach made a flip when their eyes met. Harrison knew he had to do something about it. He needed to.

He needed Ringo in a way that they were still good buddies. This is fucking brilliant George thought to himself. Completely fed up with the whole situation.

At first, he focused on being angry at Ringo kissing him. He was scared their friendship was completely screwed up. But then he started wondering why he actually did it.

Ringo noticed George's behaviour for sure. He literally hated himself for what he did. When he noticed George started avoiding him, he thought their friendship was definitely over.

Ringo wanted to fix it but assumed George wouldn't let him. He didn't try to talk to him any further than "hi" and "bye" althought they had to communicate during shooting the show.

He probably hates me Ringo though. Great. YOU FUCKING DICK, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? But there was still one thing that kept him going. He couldn't bare the fact George would never talk to him again. Ringo really missed their conversations. And he wasn't the only one.
🐙 🧹

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