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Ringo, just like the others, knew that if it came to a critical point, George would either go very quiet for the duration of the session, or very briskly leave the room. Sometimes he'd leave for over 2 hours and Ringo was afraid George would never come through that door again.

After 10 minutes of "searching" Ringo started to grow tired of pretending to look for George. So he went exactly where George was. Ringo  saw a silhouette laying on a small couch in one corner. It was actually so small that George was hunkered down like a ball of furr, his long arms placed aroud his middle but still turned, so he was facing the door. Ringo couldn't suppress a little chuckle when he noticed him there. He expected George to be vilified and actually ignoring them on purpose, but he was just sleeping and that was incredibly cute to Ringo. At that sudden moment, all feelings Ringo had hidden for the tall Boy unexpectedly washed all over him.

He checked the corridor and because he could still recognize Paul and John calling out for George.
He walked in and nearly shut the door, so there was still a little peephole under it, so light could come through. After a minute, his eyes got used to the darkness and he quietly made his way to the couch.
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