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Holy shit sorry about the wait

Then he got back to face him. George was really beautiful to Ringo even though he wouldn't admit it himself. He brushed the dark locks off his face and looked into his eyes deeply. "You should've told me sooner," Ringo spoke still smiling. Ringo noticed George behaved differently when there were only two of them and he was really thankful for it.

He could still feel Georges fingerprints drawing small circles on his hips.

George was admiring the man above, completely stunned.

It all seemed like a dream he didn't want to wake up from.

George was scared of what could happen when they got back from the tour but tried to forget about it. At least for the moment.

He caressed Ringo's cheek and placed one hand on the back of his head.

"Hadn't known 'bout it 'till you kissed me in the studio, babe," George whispered.

George knew he'd had feelings for his friend a long time ago. but he'd never really thought about.

The evening in studio was like a starter really.

Then George kissed him again but more firmly this time. Their lips locked perfectly and George was determined to deepen it.

He licked Ringo's bottom lip gently asking for access

Then they shifted a little. Just to be able to kiss better and Ringo opened his mouth straightaway.

He wanted to touch George but decided against it.

It was obviously too soon for that and Ringo didn't want to scare George off.

Ringo pushed his tongue into George's mouth.

George immediately and hummed at the contact only way more louder this time.

His palms moved to Ringo's aRse and thighs.

Not doing much than stroking his skin through the fabric.

After a while, both of them pulled away, gasping for air they obviously didn't need a couple of minutes ago.

Ringo slowly moved off of George.

George was quick to move and lay next to Ringo.

Wrapping arms around his torso and kissing his neck. Ringo caressed George's waist which cause George to let out a loud growling moan.

Ringo nearly said "I love you," but he managed to stop himself. Not that it wasn't true, he really did, but everything seemed so fast and Ringo didn't want to ruin the moment in any way.

He was just curious how George would act after this. Playing with Ringo's hair, George put his arm around Ringo.

George had no idea what had just happened.

But didn't regret doing any of it. Did he love him?


He stared at the ceiling. left with his thoughts, but then he felt the kisses on his neck smiled and tightened his grip. Letting Ringo know he wouldn't let him go.

Ringo nuzzled the crook of George's neck.

Breathing his cologne.

George blushed at the contact.

Ringo wrapped his warm arm around George's waist. Getting a soft hum of relaxation from George.

They both listened to the quiet air conditioner as they both drifted off to sleep.


Sorry it's been awhile. But I'm back (/;-;)/ I love you all a lot so thank you for reading my story :,) lemme just disappear real quick for another two weeks 🥺❤️❤️❤️ AND PLEASE POINT OUT NAMES IN WRONG PLACES OR IF YOU SEE "HIPPE" OR "TEAXAN" PLEASEEEEEEE TELL MEE 💀 ❤️ okie bye for nowwww

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