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None of the guys were used to flying, really, but it was George who was having a hard time. He tried to sleep through the flight and didn't want to show he was actually scared. But his bandmates noticed for sure. Ringo and Paul, who sat opposite, watched how nervously he played with buttons of his shirt. Ringo wanted to ask him if everything was ok. But decided against it 'cause George probably wouldn't admit it.

They arrived at night, greeted by their excited fans. Most of them were girls, but that was quite understandable. For George, it was a little bit too much. He didn't get why they liked them so much. They were just four idiots with musical instruments. "What the hell...", John breathed when they finally got to their car.

George sat next to him and silently observed his surroundings, including Ringo. He looked so happy. Wide smile on his face with that well known blush on both sides.

A brief grin flew over George's  face.This whole thing was completely new to Ringo. He would never think so many people would like him. Want to see him. Even for being just a drummer. Now he had a chance to prove them wrong. That he was way more, a musician. Of course he was scared, all of them were, but there was still a wave of joy that helped him ignore his nervousness.

Thank you to the like, four of you reading this ;-; <3

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