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George was asleep enough to not be aware of anything happening at the moment.

Just contently humming, his mouth slightly open.  Ringo definitely wasn't planning on waking him up. He sat down indian style on the floor in front of George and studied his face. He started thinking about  when it had all begun.

When was the first time he noticed those dark eyes, concealing so many secrets. Secrets that Ringo occasionally saw when George looked at him. Or when did he become so nervous around him? So distracted just by his presence. He always got goosebumps on the back of his neck when he heard George's voice.

Especially when saying Ringo's name. And why didn't he call guys that he'd found him and just stayed here with George instead? Ringo didn't want to worry but couldn't help it. If George found out about his feelings, he would never want to talk to him again.

Wouldn't want to see him again. No more of that sincere smile. No more of those deep chocolate eyes. No more George. Ringo couldn't risk it. He couldn't lose him. He was aware how incredibly dangerous this situation was because if George woke up right at that moment,

he would find some weirdo staring at him and Ringo certainly didn't have any good excuse for that. So he tried to wake him up, just slightly stroking his shoulder. "George...," he whispered, barely audible. It all seemed so loving, really. Ringo was glad, even for that little moment, he could pretend that George belonged to him.

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