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This chapter is really long (')

When their car made its way through the crowds of screaming fans, they headed to the hotel. All 4 guys were fairly worn out and wanted to go straight to bed. So they just grabbed keys of their hotel rooms and disappeared upstairs.

The weather hadn't been very nice for a couple of days. A storm was coming in the middle of the night which managed to wake George up. He was already fed up with everything - terrified of the flight. lonely without someone. Nervous and awkward thanks to Ringo. And then he couldn't even get a proper sleep.

He didn't care about the lightning. It was the thunder that didn't let him sleep.

He tried to ignore it for a little while. Laying back and shutting his eyes. But it didn't work so he eventually got up.

He rubbed his eyes and once they got used to the dark. He went out of his room to the corridor. He wanted to walk a bit and maybe think too.

George needed to clear his mind. He felt like he was about to explode - so many things happening, so much to care about.

He massaged his temples, closing eyes, and tried to calm himself down. As he walked further down the hallways, George  suddenly felt something right at his feet. But wasn't quick enough to react, so he stumbled and fell to the floor.

"What the hell?!" he cursed but not loudly enough to wake up the others. He wasn't to concerned about though. They had the whole hotel for themselves and at least this floor was just for 4 of them.

He managed to put his arms in front of him so the fall didn't hurt that much but still managed to injure himself as he felt a pain coming from his right knee. 

So he sat rather carefully on the floor. Trying to recognize the object that he stumbled over."George... are you ok? I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...," George heard from the dark and made out Ringo's  voice.

He was sitting right next to him and leaning his back against the wall. He'd put his knees up to his chin because of the recent crash, wearing just pyjamas pants without any top on which made George feel a little bit uneasy.

He had seen Ringo topless so this shouldn't be any different, but it was to him. And he knew exactly why.

Though he didn't want to admit it,
Ringo was frightened of storms and he just couldn't bare the lighting.

As a child, he usted to put nearly everything on his windows just to darken them so he couldn't see the flash.

It was his mother who always came to him and tried to reassure her son. Now he was a grown man, so  there  wasn't anyone to do this.

He didn't like to talk about his fear. He kept it as a secret because people would only laugh at him.

This night wasn't any different, so he tried to find a room. One without windows.

So he ended up on the floor of a hotel corridor.

"What in the world are you doin' here, Ringo?" George asked and moved to sit next to him.

He rubbed his sore knee, hoping the pain won't last any long. They had to perform in a couple of days.

"Y'know... the storm out there," Ringo said quietly and brushed his hair off his face.

He didn't have to explain it to George because he had already known.

They used to tell each other lots of things other people didn't know about.

Ringo liked how they could giggle for hours and nobody understood why. Then he noticed George's knee.

"Does it hurt? Shit... I shouldn't have been sitting here, I'm sorry,"

Ringo apologized immediately.

"I really wouldn't think somebody would be  here in the middle of the night."

He raised an eyebrow, suspiciously looking at George. Although he probably couldn't see it in the dark,

George smiled

"Well, I didn't expect somebody would meditate here either, y'know?" George said throwing a smirk Ringo's way.

After these simple sentences it seemed like the situation eased in a way.

Like the air cleared and they could act normally around each other again.

Both of them were thankful for it, nearly forgetting about the kissing incident.

They laughed for a moment and then just stayed there in silence. Ringo couldn't stop smiling and had completly forgotten about the storm. Suddenly everything was so quiet and peaceful.

He felt something special. And although he didn't know what it was, maybe relief?

After a long time, he didn't feel any discomfort in George's presence.

"Are you ok? I mean the flight and everything. You seemed pretty grumpy today," Ringo asked once he realised they were fine again. He inconspiciously looked at the man next to him.

The man he was complete fool for. It was probably way too dangerous for Ringo to be this close to George.

He didn't want to think about it. It didn't matter.

"I don't know man. It's just new to me. The people and publicity...," George answered, shaking his head.

He didn't  know what to think about the whole circus. It seemed ridiculous to him. Ringo understood.

"Yeah, the crowd kinda scared me out there. But still... we got the chance. We can finally play for people," and then added. Although I'm not very good. It's fun to play along with my friends." Ringo gave a half smile.

George turned to face him in disbelief. "What are you talkin' 'bout?! You're the best of us and we both know it!"

What's more, it's not like recordin' in a studio. They won't hear every note. Don't worry about it," Harrison tried to reassure him.

They stayed quiet then for a couple of minutes.

There was really no need to say anything.

George was surely happy things got back to normal, but the kiss was still bugging him a bit.

He wasn't sure if to discuss it right then because he would probably ruin the peaceful moment. He silently watched Ringo. Waiting for a signal. On the other hand, he was fairly tired and felt like falling asleep right there. Hopefully the storm had gone away."Look, I'll go back to bed and you should too. We had a rough day and tomorrow's not gonna be any better." George tried to stand up, but his knee didn't heal that quick, so he hissed in pain and fell back onto Ringo.

"Wait, I'll help you," Ringo offered a hand to George who gladly accepted it.

George put his arm around Ringo's shoulders, holding onto him. Ringo carefully placed his free arm around George's waist and they tried to walk like this. although Harrison let out a couple of groans That made Ringo worry, George had seized such sound as they made their way closer to George's room.

He wasn't about to let him go, especially now when Ringo knew it really hurt him.

While George was as looking for his keys, he suddenly noticed how tightly Ringo was holding him. It made him feel safe. He trusted Ringo,
so it wasn't uncomfortable.

He kept ransacking his pockets, but after a while he still hadn't found the keys.

Then it clicked. Shit...

Sorry for the long delay on the update ✋🏻😔 and sorry if the names are wrong.


word count:

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