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 Her friends had something planned for her, she had no idea, but he knew

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Her friends had something planned for her, she had no idea, but he knew. Another chance to get her to change her mind, he'll take it.

2 weeks later

Zabdiel (7/11/20)
I was currently getting ready to go out. I was going with the guys to...Vanesa's bachelorette party. Well not exactly, we're going to where they are hosting it but the guys don't know that I know that where we are going is the same place she'll be at tonight.

A few days ago Joel was on the phone with one of her friends and I overheard and I got the girls number. I told her that I thought she was my friends girlfriend and got information out of her.

It wasn't my proudest moment but it worked, and that's all that matters to me.

I then asked the guys if they wanted to go out and they all agreed, after I told them I would pay.

It was still worth it, Vanesa's wedding was only a month away and I needed to act fast, because if she gets married I don't think I could continue with what we have. And K don't want to lose what we have, I don't want to lose her.

1 hour later

We had finally arrived to the restaurant a few minutes ago and were getting seated and to my luck our table was right across hers.


Vanesa (7/11/20)
My friends had told me to get ready to go out today. They didn't tell me where they were taking me, just that I had to get ready.

Once they picked me up they took me to a restaurant. It was nice, they sat us down and so far everything was going well. I still had no idea what the occasion was but soon after one of my friends got something out of her purse.

They were throwing me a bachelorette's party. They explained to me how their plan was to have dinner and then we would be leaving on a part bus.

I was scared. However things were going well. we were waiting for the waiter to get our orders when all of a sudden my friends were going crazy over the guys that were being seated across our table. At the time I was looking down at the menu but when my friends kept telling me to look, I looked up, and my heart stopped for a second.

He was here.

He looked so good too, he looked up and our eyes locked. He smiled at me and then looked away.

"El que trae la chaqueta negra está...wow"- Zabdiel was with all of the guys, and my friend happened to be talking about Zabdiel, I couldn't say anything but I had so many emotions running through me that I think I might've given her a bad look

She didn't notice because she kept staring at them, then another one of my friends said something.

"Oye Vanesa, el de allí no es Joel?"- I knew he was there but I still looked to where she was staring and nodded my head

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