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She didn't know a world outside who she thought was the love of her life

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She didn't know a world outside who she thought was the love of her life. They had been dating for four years, how could she? To many they had the perfect relationship and they thought they did too. Who wouldn't want that, so of course she said yes when he asked her to marry him. What she didn't know was that he wasn't the one for her. However in order to figure this out she would hurt others in the process, in the process of finding her own happiness.

Vanesa (12/10/19)
At this moment I just wanted to scream and go dig up a hole where I could hide forever.

I was currently at my third dress appointment in the last three months. I have been engaged for five of those months.

I just want to find the right dress, the perfect dress. However, everything I try on isn't want I want or just doesn't feel right. The dress could be beautiful in every which way but I could and can always find something wrong with it.

That is something I hate about myself. I'm too demanding in what I want. I also happen to be a perfectionist that needs things to be done in a certain way or else it won't feel right and I will most defiantly not like it. I honestly don't know why Alejandro wants to marry me in the first place.

Alejandro had been my boyfriend for four years before he asked me to marry him. He proposed in mid July. That day was just perfect. He had told me that we would be going to the beach for a picnic date. We had  always been the type of couple that went on dates for no apparent reason and on the least expected days, so I didn't think much of his invitation for a date.

We left about an hour before sunset so we could enjoy the view while we ate. Once we got there I noticed a beautiful arrangement on the beach, it was beautiful, breath taking even. Alejandro parked and hurried to get my door, being the gentlemen I loved. He took my hand and led me to the beautiful arrangement I had seen. I was already in shock.

We ate dinner and laughed while watching the sun go down. Right before the sun set in completely Alejandro took my hand and told me that he loved me. He didn't give me the chance to say anything because he went on to tell me that he couldn't imagine living the rest of his life with anyone else, or anyone else having his children. He said that the last four years had been amazing and he believed that he had never lived his life to the fullest like he had in those years. And it was all thanks to me.

That's when he asked me, he asked me to marry him. I was at a lost for words with tears in my eyes wanting to fall out. I couldn't believe it. With me being speechless I simply hugged him, once he hugged me back I was able to whisper yes. That's when I heard the applause coming from behind us. Somehow our families had managed to be behind us the whole time without me even realizing it.

That day had just been perfect.

Yet the perfection only lasted for a month. We started planning only a moth after because we want our wedding to be perfect for the both of us. But it's all just so stressful. We had our bridesmaids and groomsmen picked by the end of September. I started looking for a dress later on in October, which has been the worst so far. My bridesmaids even got their dresses before me. We still have eight months till the wedding but the stress had been there since we started planing.

We decided we wanted our wedding to be in August. We both agreed that would be the best time to get married simply due to the perfect weather August tends to have. However we couldn't agree on the date. Alejandro wanted the wedding to be at the end of August so it would be more chilly but I wanted it to be at the beginning so it would be warmer during the day and night. We got in a big argument just over the date which was very surprising to the both of us. In four years the biggest argument we have had was over who would pay for dinner.

This is something we both loved. We just worked perfectly together. But not this time, and the lack us every arguing made it worst. We finally came to an agreement and made the date be sort of in the middle, we would be getting married on the thirteenth of August.

We then had to choose a venue which we did agree on, well for the most part. We both wanted and outdoor wedding, but Alejandro wanted a beach wedding and I prefered to have our wedding at a park. We still haven't decided on it since we didn't want to get in other fight.

So far that's all we have gotten done. We both have had appointments for our outfits but haven't picked them out yet. Although unlike me, Alejandro hasn't chosen his suit because he liked two and can't chose.

That's it, I'm done for the day. I just can't try on anymore dresses or even think about the wedding. I just want to go home and forget about it all.

Once I got home I notice that Alejandro isn't home yet which is odd considering he gets home early today. I chose to ignore it since he could just be picking something up from the store.

I go ahead and get in the shower to clear my mind. When I get out Alejandro is still not home so I just turn on the tv and eat a snack.

About thirty minutes into Lucifer I hear the door and see Alejandro walking to our room.

"Hola amor"

"Hola, pense que hoy salías mas temprano"- I reply getting up to go give him a kiss.

"Si pero fui a la tienda y me encontré con un amigo. Y me invento a su cumpleaños."

"Que amigo? Lo conozco?"

"No, es un amigo que conocí por Joel. Se llama Zabdiel."

________________________________and that's the first chapter, I'm actually pretty excited for this book and have so many ideas for it, also keep in mind i've never gotten married so who knows what i'm writing about there😭, anywayy I hope you guys...

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and that's the first chapter, I'm actually pretty excited for this book and have so many ideas for it, also keep in mind i've never gotten married so who knows what i'm writing about there😭, anywayy I hope you guys like it🥰

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