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Some people just can't let things go and in this case that's Zabdiel's friends

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Some people just can't let things go and in this case that's Zabdiel's friends. One of them even went to the lengths of introducing a girl to him. How do they feel about this, how does this affect their relationship?

1 week later

Zabdiel (2/21/20)
It's been a week since Valentine's Day. I haven't seen Vanesa much since Alejandro has been here but he was leaving once again today so I was hoping to see her tonight.

Even though I haven't seen Vanesa Christopher and Joel are both still on me about it. Joel even made me go out with the girl he set me up with on Valentine's Day.

Her names Miley, she's 20 and she is currently in college. She has a fun and outgoing personality and I will admit she is pretty, but she doesn't compare to Vanesa. Miley is also very clingy, she tries to call me or text me all the time and has been coming over unannounced a lot. I've told her how I'm not looking for a relationship but she still calls me and comes over, which I still don't know how she got my address.

Currently the guys were at my house and we were just chilling.

"Y entonces Zabdiel, qué pasó con Miley?"- Joel asked me while raising his eyebrow

"Nada, la verdad es muy pegajosa y la verdad puede llegar hacer acosadora."- I said honestly

"Como que nada, Zabdiel ella es muy linda, digo si yo fuera tu, I'd want to sma-"

"Entonces tu anda con ella, Miley simplemente no es mi tipo."

"Entonces quien es tu tipo? Las que están comprometidas?"- this time Christopher asked

"Hay no, ya van a empezar con eso? Cuantas veces les tengo que decir que ella solo es mi amiga?!"

"Y cuantas veces tenemos que decirte que no te creemos?"

"Chicos enserio que se pasan, ya llevan una semana diciendo lo mismo."- Richard pitched in

"Gracias!"- I said while I went to give him a fist bump

"Además si ellos fueran más que amigos, Zabdi le estaría haciendo un favor a Vanesa."- Erick said and Joel and Chris looked at him like he was an idiot

"Y como por que?"- Joel asked

"Por que las veces que ella y Alejandro han ido a fiestas juntos el siempre la deja sola y nunca le habla hasta que el se quiere ir. Cuando la conocimos se notó que se la pasó mejor sin el."- Erick said while still playing the game he was playing

"Si pero ellos sólo han ido a dos fiestas con nosotros."- Joel answered back

"Tal vez pero el día que fuimos a verla ella hasta nos dio un beso en el cachete y nos dejó entrar a su cocina y fue muy simpática mientras que cuando está con Alejandro ella siempre está callada y apenas y sonreí."- Richard said this time making Erick give him an approving nod

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