More information then I care to know...

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She had grown lovelier than the last time I had seen her, that day in the hospital after the dark lord had been defeated. Even though she had been at the burrow a couple of times during the summers and holidays, I hardly seen her. I had been too occupied with studying and spending time with Harry, Ron and Ginny that it didn't even leave room for much else. Her long black hair was tied up in a high pony tail and she had on a beautiful grey dressed that matched her creamy chocolate skin. Her radiant glow was just as natural to her as her deep beauty. It was impossible for any man not to fall in love with this girl. That man had to be Oliver. If I remember him correctly he would marry the game quidditch if he could.

"ANGIE." Katie was out of her seat and walking to embrace her friend. Ginny smiled and waved. I sat there and stared. I could hear the people in the living room going wild. Those idiots, they'll kill themselves with all this stupidness.I thought.

"What did you mean by the first time you and Fred came together?" Then there was a pause as Ginny registered her question and thena disgusted looked came across her face. "I can't picture someone like you being seduced by that idiot."

"Hey..." I interrupted hitting her playfully on the arm.

"It's okay Hermione you and him are going to be married but Angelina chose him by choice." Ginny laughed. "Were you under a spell when that happened?" She took a seat right in front of me shaking her head as she laughed.

"No. Fred is as you can see very charming and very hard to resist." Angelina answered her.

"That's hard to believe." Ginny disagreed.

"Where's Oliver?" Katie burst out.

"He's with the males talking about quidditch and drinking. Oh and Ginny they're planning to play some truth or dare game soon, so I figured you want to know." Katie and Ginny shot up.

"They're drunk out of their minds, this could be dangerous." Katie said walking out of the kitchen with Ginny at her heels. I watched her for a bit and then our eyes met.

"Hello Hermione." She smiled greeting me.

"Hey, Angelina." My voice was a bit shaky. This was after all the woman Fred claimed he loved and they were dating; don't forget that they would have been married. I reminded myself.

"I'm not mad about the marriage law, in fact it was a bit of a relieve knowing that there was no pressure about marrying the right person for you when the ministry already picked them, saving you the trouble of doing it yourself." She started and hearing her joke I laughed.

"It was unexpected." I said pushing some of my hair back from my face.

"For me too, but me and Oliver collide very violently together, that he felt the need to brand me." She had been what? Branded as well? "Look at this." With that said she lifted the base of her shirt where a marking stood around the navel of her stomach. The Latin words Electus Unus circled her bellybutton.

"Do you know what it means?" I asked a bit curious now.

"I think he said the chosen one, which is very weird." She laughed. I nodded.

"Angelina...I ..." I tried.

"Don't you dare Hermione. It's not your fault and you shouldn't have to feel bad. What's done is done." She was as I remembered, very lovely.

"It not right you loved him first before the marriage law took affect..." Her brown eyes soften a bit more.

"There is nothing you can do Hermione, you can not make everything right, this is how it should be." She was unbelievable understanding.

Of Arranged Marriages and ButterbeerWhere stories live. Discover now