You are mine...

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"No." I answered struggling so that he would release my hands, but his grip grew tighter and the more I fought the deeper his nail sunk into my flesh. "Fred there's no need for you to do this." I tried. Maybe he would hear my plead and stop this assault. His once ocean blue eyes were more of a dark color now. He lowered his face to mine but I turned away.

"I want you to look at me when I say this to you; I want your eyes to see mine." I refused to look at him as he spoke those words. My eyes closed automatically as afraid of what he was going to tell me. I heard him murmur a chant and then I felted my wrists bound by something rougher than his hand. It felt like ropes. He didn't? I tried moving my legs from beneath his body but they were bound as well. Bloody bastard. Then his cold hands were on my face and he turned my head back towards his. My eyes remain shut.

"I won't ask you to open your eyes again, so let's save me the trouble of using a spell for that as well." I could feel his warm breath so close to my face. Don't do it. Don't do. I could hear my stubborn side say. Must obey self. When he didn't get a respond from me I heard a low chuckle. The melting sensation went through my body as I felt his lip trailing along the right side of my neck. What was he doing? He was placing small kisses there. Then he stopped right at the base where my neck and shoulder met. Still my eyes remain closed, that is until I felt something sharp bite down on my skin. My body slammed upwards into his and I felt my wrists rub against the rope painfully. The tears I could feel forming in my eyes.

"FRED, STOP." I cried out. He didn't hear me as I felt him sinking his teeth deeper. He was trying to break my skin to leave a bruise. This felt so brutal I could feel the tears fall.

"Fred, stop please." I couldn't move from beneath his body, it was so hard and impossible to budge. I felt liquid dripping from my neck. He had bit me like a vampire and drew blood. That was not humanly possible. I could feel the blood running in all directions. Then it trailed down towards the valley of my breast. His eyes met with my tear filled ones.

"Listen now darling Hermione. You are mine. There will never be anyone else. Anyone who dare touches you from this point on will surely die." His tone was harsh.

"Let me go now." I ordered refusing to stay still. I could feel my throat throbbing from the bleeding he had caused.

"We're not done." He smirked as he reached for the necklace around his neck. What now? Please God save me. "This will sting a bit." That was the understatement of the year as he pressed one of the rings on there to my skin where the blood had flown. He had just placed it just above my left breast. His lips pressed into mine as he silence my screaming. He pushed it in farther breaking the barrier and I continued to scream from my throat but his lips were blocking the sound. I wriggled and thrashed around from the pain he was inflicting. Why? Oh why me?

"Aeternus eternus." He said as he released my lips. I was breathing heavily from all the energy trying to get lose and the impact of the pain. I felt the sudden burning in my skin as those words he spoke engraved itself around the circle he had made. Aeternus eternus. That was Latin. That I was sure, why would he use a Latin binding spell? There was no time to ponder as he slit the side of his wrist and watch the blood drip onto my burning skin. Was this the blood link? This was beyond cruel. Then I felt the ropes from my wrist loosen. And he pulled me into a sitting position as he removed the ring and placed it back around his neck.

Silent tears they were still falling from the pain but I tried to suppress the noise which had threatened to come out by force. My legs were still bound, he leaned closer holding both my wrist, and I didn't have time to blink as I saw his nail slice the skin from my right hand and the blood streaming down from it. I never knew my vocals were capable of such a high note but there it was as I screamed from the sudden slash. He pulled my wrist to his lips and then he drank my blood. That was not natural.

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