A little afternoon conversation?

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I looked up to see a grinning familiar face. The scars couldn't be missed; even so he was still exceptionally handsome. He was the oldest of the Weasley brothers. Bill. He was married two years ago this summer to as Ron puts it "One of the most beautiful women in the world." Fleur Delacour. He helped me to my feet and I could see that he had cut his long hair just above his shoulders.

"Bill." I smiled embracing him.

"Heard you're going to be my sister-in-law soon?" He grinned as he released me.

"Yes, that's should be the rumor going around." I nodded and he led me into the kitchen once again. "That's not the reason you're here is it?" I asked. Bill was an important man, he was in the Order and he had become president of Gringotts wizard bank which shouldn't leave him much for time. We sat across from each other.

"Of course that's the reason I'm here. My delinquent twin brothers are getting married this has to be good. Charlie who I suspected was too busy to have a wife is getting one. And oh... Ron of course this should be fun. Percy I guess isn't talking to the family still so we have no idea who he's marrying. And there's Ginny. Do you suppose she's marrying Harry?" Bill continued on.

"Ginny...oh I haven't seen her yet." I said realizing one of my best friends hadn't come downstairs. Or maybe she wasn't home.

"Wouldn't it be funny if Fred and George switch places on you and instead of marrying the one you're suppose to, you marry the other?" Bill laughed.

"I wouldn't be surprise if they pull something like that." I responded a little harsher then I had intended.

"Not allowed to do that, there's a spell once the letter is received so that they'll know for sure you are marrying the right partner because you can't get out of it after every things done." We turned to see George stroll into the kitchen looking like he was lacking of sleep.

"Hello George." Bill smiled waving at him.

"Don't get cheerful on me you jerk. You were the one who came into my room and kept making all those stupid noises." At that Bill's smile got wider.

"Hey there Hermione." George said as he recognized me. "Heard the big news did you?"

"And what's that?" I asked unsure.

"That we're going to be related soon." He rubbed his eyes and sat down beside me.

"Always thought she ends up marrying Ron." Bill winked at me.

"I agree. But hey the Ministry must know who your perfect soul mate is, so she must be meant for Fred." George chuckled.

"Then who's marrying Angelina then?" Bill asked.

"I think she's been arranged to marry Oliver Wood, the quidditch captain. Do you remember Hermione?" He said turning to me.

"Oliver Wood? Really?" I was shocked. I always thought that Oliver Wood lived for quidditch. How would he be able to handle married life? I laughed at that as Bill and George grinned at one another.

"And you?" Bill asked George.

"Katie Bell." What the one from school as well? Seeing the expression on my face he smiled.

"Yeah, she was on the quidditch team too." George turned towards Bill filling him in.

"At least it someone you know hey." Bill grinned. George was silent. Then there was footsteps coming into the kitchen. We all looked up to see beautiful silver hair shining brightly the woman that it was attached to was walking towards her husband. It could only be one person.

"Why are you sitting in zee kitchen? Are you hungry?" She spoke as if he was the only one in the room.

"No I was just catching up with these two." Bill told her taking her hand in his. She sat herself down on his lap and turned to me and George. "Remember George and Hermione?"

"Ello. George. Hermionee." She smiled.

"Hello Fleur." Me and George greeted her oddly at the same time. We turned to look at each other then we burst out laughing from the outrageous expressions we gave one another.

"You are to become a Weasley as well?" She said angling her head to the left as if to see me more clearly. I nodded. "You are not marrying zee young one name Won?" Bill laughed at that question shaking his head.

"Oh no sweet Fleur, she's marrying George's twin." Bill grinned at me.

"You are marrying him?" She seemed confused pointing at poor George. We all laughed louder at her distress.

"She's marrying Fred, not George." After catching his breath Bill answered.

"She's marrying one of them zan?" We all nodded in agreement. "Are you happy about zat?"

"Not really but I don't have a choice seeing as I like to keep my powers. Although it wouldn't be too boring of a life I suppose" I spoke dispassionately.

"I can guarantee you Hermione life at the Weasley's is anything but boring." George chimed in.

"Never doubt it." I patted him on the back.

"Oh it's so lovely to see you two are getting along now." I heard mum's voice entering the kitchen. "Oh hello." She smiled spotting Bill and Fleur.

"Jane this is our eldest son Bill and this is his wife Fleur." Mrs. Weasley introduced them. Before George could give his mother heck for forgetting to include him as well my dad and Mr. Weasley walked in.

"I see the tension has left this room now." Dad was grinning looking at the laughing redhead sitting beside me.

"Tension? What Tension?" George asked unaware of what had happen earlier.

"This isn't Fred dad." I quickly spoke.

"Oh this is George, Fred's twin." Mrs. Weasley announced all of a sudden.

"Thanks for remembering me." George mumbled under his breath. "Good to know I'm cared for in this family." Hearing that remark I began giggling. George only just winked.

"We decided to stay for dinner before me and your father leave." My mum said to me.

"Well of course... wait why only the two of you are leaving? Where am I in this decision?

"Well darling has informed us that it would be best for you and your future husband to be as close as possible to help your link get stronger. We will see that your things are send where it needs to be. And of course we'll come to see you as much as we can." My dad spoke quietly as to hide his great displeasure in this arrangement.

"This is for the best darling, if there was any other way..." My mum sighed heavily.

"Hermione, I know this is unsettling for you now but I promise it will get better." Mr. Weasley assured me happily.

"Thank you." I responded. I rubbed my eyes feeling very exhausted all of sudden.

"I suppose we should let you nap before dinner then." said coming to stand beside me.

"It's all right. I'm fine." I lied.

"Go to rest Hermione we'll still be here when you wake." Bill smiled placing his hands on mine.

"I just..." But I was ushered out of the room before I had time to blink.

"Oh Blimey ...where are Ron, Ginny and Harry?" I heard before I headed up the stairs to Ginny's bedroom. I was back at the burrow. This time it would probably be to stay. I wasn't watching where I was going only realizing that after I rammed into someone.

"Bloody hell." I heard the curse. I raised my head to stare into ocean blue eyes once more. Fred.

"Sorry." I mumbled and continued on my way. What's his problem?

"If that helps you sleep at night." He replied rudely. I turned around more rapidly then I anticipated and found myself falling to the ground, landing very painfully too.

"Granger?" Was the last thing I heard before my world faded into nothing.

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