Where home should be?

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My head was spinning and the pain was pounding like hammers in my brain. It was like I had finally surface from so much layer of sleep that in the rising state I was no longer numb from the hurting.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard her voice first. Ginny. She was back.

"Nothing's wrong with her, the doctor said that she hasn't been taking care of herself and that a good rest should help her get well." I knew the second voice was Mrs. Weasley.

"Well she was studying for her entrance exam into St. Mungo's hospital. But Mum this is Hermione she's all about taking care of herself. Maybe it was something she ate or drank. Or do you suppose Fred's trying to poison her so that they don't have to get..."

"Ginvera do not talk such nonsense. What reasons would your brother have for using such things?" Mrs. Weasley's low tone gave me the impression that she was trying to get Ginny to drop the topic and she had used Ginny's birth name meaning she was serious.

"But mum isn't it obvious that he doesn't want this marriage, believe me he's not keeping that a secret."

"Ginny dear as for your brother not wanting this marriage, there's not much we can do seeing as this has been a request from Dumbledore himself." What was that she said?

"You're telling me that professor Dumbledore wanted Hermione and Fred out of all the people in the world to get together. To be come husband and wife. Is that what you're telling me? That he had nothing better to do then set people up. Is that correct?" Ginny laughed.

"Ginny. Why don't you go downstairs and find something to do?" Mrs. Weasley suggested.

"No thanks I rather like it up here." Ginny replied.

"Well when Hermione has awakened try not to hurl too much questions at her." With that said I heard her footsteps disappearing out the door and gone down the hall. I tried to move but a low groan had escaped and with that I felted Ginny by my side.

"Hermione?" She whispered.

"Yes?" I answered while my eyes remain shut. They just refused to open so I laid there listening to her breathing.

"I'm so glad you're awake. You had us all so worried." She said as I felted her touching my forehead.

"Sorry to worry you." My voice sounded a little deeper than normal.

"I was told that you were not taking care of yourself Hermione. And I don't want to be the one telling you what you already know. So I won't."

"It's not that, I just think that I over extended myself with all the information the Ministry has been sending us." I told her.

"Hermione, worrying is one thing. But stress is going to get you killed." She laughed then.

"I'm fine." I tried again willing her to believe me.

"Like me snogging a horntail dragon fine huh?" She questioned. I opened my eyes then stinging like hell as I did so. But I saw that she was watching me with her warm chocolate brown eyes.

"I doubt that Harry will fancy you snogging a dragon instead of him." I teased her. Then almost bit my tongue as I remembered the marriage law. "Oh Ginny I never got to ask you..." I paused to look at her.

"I'll tell you now so that you don't have to hear it from anybody else." I saw the sadness that she was hiding.

"Hermionee you are awake." Fleur's voice interrupted us.

"Yes she is. What can we do for you?" Ginny asked annoyed.

"I was told to come get you because your brother Charlie has come home and 'e has brought his bride with him." She answered unaware of the tone Ginny had used on her.

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