Why him?

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He never blinked once staring at me. Forcing me to cave in and insult him once more. I was never easily shaken but with his body so close and eyes so transfixed on mines I began doubting that I'd be able to put up much of a fight. Where was the legendary hero when you needed him? Or where was that redhead? Great friends they were. Still I would never give him the upper hand even if he struck me. Fred? That was just a passing thought, but I didn't think he ever had such a temper.

"Git." I spoke softly but I knew by his eyes that he heard me.

"You got guts Granger." He smirked lowering his head to mines, without effort he jerked my shirt collar up with one free hand and stole a kiss from my lips. His kiss was soft and I could smell his fresh scent of body soap before he pulled away walking upstairs to his old bedroom. After hearing the door shut, I finally let the breath I had been holding in escape my throat.

Why did he kiss me? What's he playing at? Why did he do that? I felt my knees collapses and sunk down to the floor and I remained there staring at my feet. I felt my skin growing warm and I knew that a blush was now plastered on my face. It would be visible to anyone walking by because my skin was pale as well and it always made me very transparent to anyone's eyes. The red color would be impossible to miss. Why are you blushing like a school girl? You're Hermione Granger get up from of the floor and pull yourself together. I lectured myself. But I couldn't get my legs to stand they felt so numb and detached from my body.

Move damn you. You will not let him get to you. You are to be unaffected at all times. It was just a kiss. A meaningless kiss, that's all. I told myself willing my legs to move. It was no use. Why the bloody hell did he have to be so good looking? Why didn't I fall for George? He's always sweet. I cursed myself for this mess that I was in. Why Fred? Why? They were both twins I could have easily fallen for either one of them. But I had chosen to fall for Fred. The one that was already taking by one very beautiful girl: Angelina Johnson.


That summer at the Burrow.

"Quick, quick, hide. Hurry." I heard voice drawing near. "In Ginny's room." Another one spoke. Those twins, what have they done now? I thought laughing in my head. Wait, what did one of them say?

"Can't Ginny will murder us." Oh good I thought and began to relax a bit. Then the door swung open and I turned to stare into the blue eyes of one surprised red hair twin. He slammed the door shut and covered my mouth just as he saw my reaction. Hearing footsteps descending up the stairs he pushed me into Ginny's closet and closed the door.

"Just don't scream, okay Granger?" He said before removing his hand from my mouth.

"Fred." I confirmed.

"The one and only." Even though it was dark I could tell by his reply that he had a smirk on his face. Sometimes it was confusing to tell them apart, Fred definitely would be the one I could point out in a crowd once he spoke. His tone always gives him away. George was the less evil of the two but neither the less he was Fred's twin and the both of them together was a very deadly combination.

"What did you two do now?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Oh you don't want to know." He chuckled lightly. I hadn't realized with the small closet space that he was so close.

"Try me." I challenged pulling my head back to try and see his face above mines.

"Later." He whispered as he pressed his form against the wall trying to hear any more footsteps. When he thought the coast was clear he opened the door and pulled me out along with him.

"You look good in a towel, Granger." He turned with a smirk towards me and then he winked. I had forgotten since we were in the dark that I was still wrapped in only a towel after my shower. And my hair was still wet soaking through the towel.

"GET OUT PERVERT." I yelled trying to find something to throw at him.

"Why Granger? I had no idea you wanted me so badly." He said ducking as I chucked one of my books at him.

"Fred if you don't get out this instant...I swear..."I warned trying to find my wand. Where did I put it?

"Looking for this darling?" He teased as he waved my wand around in front of me. I couldn't attack him still in the towel. "Naked and wand less. How do you get yourself into these situations Granger?" He asked walking closer to me.

"Pervert." I said again feeling my body blush. I took a couple of steps back.

"I'm hurt that you think so but, I'll get over it." He winked again. I didn't remember him moving but I found myself in his embrace and he kissed me on the forehead.

"Thanks for your help Granger." When he was almost out the door he turned around. He tossed me my wand. "Should be careful where you place your wand next time some crazy guy might take advantage of you in a situation like that. Too bad I'm not him because that red on your skin looks good." He blew me a kiss before shutting the door and I heard laughter as the book I threw this time landed with a thud missing it's target.

I found out later that they had jinxed Harry's and Ron's brooms to talk back to it's owners and to take them anywhere else but in the direction they wanted to go. So to Ron and Harry's surprise trying to control their brooms was more of a challenge then playing quidditch. The twins were brilliant after all. As great prankster goes they were the best but even owning your own business didn't save you from Harry's and Ron's wrath.

End flashback

After that day I was unable to stop my heart from beating rapidly every time I saw that mischievous tall redhead. No I couldn't fall for George because he didn't smirk the way that Fred does. With George we were on a first name basis meaning that I could never look at him the way I see Fred.

"Hermione, why are you sitting on the ground?" Someone spoke interrupting my thoughts.

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