Some truth, Violence and lots of questions...

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The pain was unbearable like I've been hit by a bludger. My head was throbbing frantically and I thought I was going crazy. I heard myself groaning in pain as I tried to move myself into a more comfortable position. It stung like a million pixies stabbing at my head. Then there was the heat coming from the body beside me. What the bloody hell? My eyes shot open and I was looking at the stretched out body beside mine.

He had his right arm covering his eyes and his left was place just beside where my head had laid. The figure was impossible not too identified as Fred. I doubt that Katie would have liked seeing George sleeping beside me and there was no way Ron would have shared a bed with me unless he was forced to because he'd be all embarrassed about it. Our bodies, as I stared along side his frame was not in comparison to that of what I thought it should be. His legs reached just about the edge of the bed as mine was just pass the middle of it. He was still fully clothed and lying on top of the blanket. So I was sure nothing happened without my knowledge. What if I don't remember? I panicked.

What were these trains of thoughts? My bloody head is hurting and all I can think about is him. I'm must be out of my mind? I felted the bandages around my head now feeling the dry blood. What the heck happened? Blood? Why was I bleeding? I rose slowly not to stir and wake my soon to be angry husband up. Looking around we were not in my room and yet it wasn't his room either. Definitely not home but it sure felt like it. Looking at the window I saw that the sunlight was just trying to poke through. What time was it? And where was I? Just get up slowly so you don't wake up the sleeping lion. This way you won't be eaten alive and you can keep the remaining blood in your body. I told myself trying so hard not to move so swiftly that I'd trigger something that would get that redhead yelling at me so soon. My head was damaged and I was sure that there was not enough power to argue back today. The stupid bed betrayed me by squeaking at my movement and I found that his left hand had moved over to grab my right wrist. His other arm was still covering his closed eyes.

"You forget we have a link." He said so quietly I thought I imagined hearing that. I sat there unsure of how to respond. Hermione Granger speechless that's unheard of. I could hear Ron saying that in my head. Stupid Ron. When I hadn't answered him he moved his right arm from his eyes and sat up. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"To get something to drink." I found my voice was sounding unusual. Like I had a cold or something stuck in my throat.

"Doctor's orders are for you to stay in bed and as for water, think mum should be up here soon anyways." He continued as his hand was still holding mine. We were back at the burrow. The family banquet. This was his old room I was guessing.

"If you just let me go I can get it myself." I told him testing if I could break his hold, it wasn't tight but I had a feeling that if I wanted to get out of it, there was no way I could get free without having to use my wand.

"You are to remain in bed." His tone was sharp now and back to his angry mode.

"Fred..." The pounding began again this time it was excruciating and I grabbed for my head. I found myself screaming in pain and feeling like I was going to die. I felt his hands now on top of mine and I was pulled in between his legs.

"Breathe, Hermione just take a deep breath." He whispered as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and the door crashing open.

"Fred Weasley I swear if you..."Mrs. Weasley voice stopped mid sentence as she must have seen me trying to cope with my injury.

"What has happened did the wound reopen?" Mr. Weasley voiced filled the room now.

"Dad I think the thing to do is call a bloody doctor." Fred said in a low tone which was considered dangerous by anyone's standard if they heard it.

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