Oh dear...

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Those eyes were burning into my soul as I sat there with my parents. They were so beyond anything I ever experience. I felt a shiver run down my spine as they seem to watch my every breath. I turned to direct my attention elsewhere. On anything, but I knew those blue eyes would be engraved in my mind until the day I die.

"Hermione dear would you like some tea?" I heard Mrs. Weasley voice bringing me back to reality.

"Please." I smiled as she nodded turning around to pour me a cup.


"Hermione darling a letter just came in for you this morning." My Mum said as she strolled into my room.

"Thanks mum." I said grinning at her.

"So is it about the job you been applying for or is this the thing we all dread?" She asked taking a seat beside me, I shrugged.

When I arrived home last night I had began crying as it dawned upon me that I was never going to be just a normal teenager ever. I was a witch. That part I didn't mind, but now I was going to be married and maybe to someone I have no hope of ever falling in love with. I kept telling myself that I was Hermione Granger. I could handle anything. But this was beyond me. This was my life. My freedom. My independences. When the crying became unbearable I had to let my parents know. They were calm and told me that I should never give up on what's important to me because I didn't agree with it. My magic was here to help people and it was the source of who I am, even though I was forced into this so unexpectedly I should be happy that it will remain with me for all the days of my life. It bothered me that they took the news so easily but I had never been forced into anything against my will before that it was harder to take in.

I began opening the letter as I felt her embrace.

"Where's Dad?" I questioned.

"He's still a little startled that his only daughter is going to be married so soon." Mum answered.

"But you two were so calm and collective yesterday. What's going on?" I asked.

"I guess it just hit him that we have to share you now. I mean he was hoping that part won't come until after he's dead." Mum chuckled softly. I smiled taking her hand.

"You know it's okay to be a little worried." I told her. "No ones going to blame you."

"It's not you I'm worried about darling, it's the young man that's taking your hand that I'm worried about. I'm sure your father will hate him the moment they meet." I nodded agreeing with her. There are two types of fathers: The overprotected ones and the ones that just didn't care. My father falls into the third type the ones that will go out of his way to embarrass you so that you never have a social life. That's how he was always about me dating anyone, but he was trying so hard to hide his emotions so that I'll be able to keep what I been born with, my magic.

The letter read:

To one Miss. Hermione Granger,

We are please to inform you that as of this coming year you are to be a future bride to a wizard that has been pulled from the sorting hat left behind by Professor Albus Dumbledore. It has been required by the wizarding law that you are to be wedded as soon as possible. This contract that you will receive in a short time will never be allowed to be breached nor will it allow you to withdrawn from the seal of your magic bond. If you do not sign the forms you will likely lose your witches licenses and birth magic. You are here to get in contact with your groom as soon as possible and set the date. Further questions will be answered at the marriage registration office.

Miss Hermione Granger arranged to be married to Mr. Fred Weasley.

Thank you for your time.

From the department of the Ministry of Magic.

The shock was so unsettling that I screamed and passed out.

End flashback

So here I was now sitting across from my future husband. One very angry, Fred Weasley. Wait until Ron and Harry find out about my situation. This was so unreal.

"Well Hermione dear this was such a pleasant surprise, we always thought of you as a member of the family and now you really will be." Mrs. Weasley exclaimed happily avoiding the daggers her son was shooting at her.

"It was unexpected on my part, seeing as I had no say in the matter." I replied dryly.

"We always thought naturally you end up with Ron." Mr. Weasley laughed.

"Well...that is." I began.

"Dad don't you have anything better to do then make stupid remarks?" Fred spoke with so much poison in his voice that it made me turn to him once again. Fred Weasley was the same guy that I found myself falling for earlier. Yet with this much hatred he was not the fun loving guy I wanted to be with. He's angry because he's marrying you instead of Angelina the one he truly wants. I yelled at myself. His flaming red hair was grown long just above his shoulders. They looked so untamed that I wanted to run my hands through them, which would lead to my death. And I couldn't have that. If looks could kill, his eyes would definitely be pools I want to drown myself in. He was very tall, probably about '6 2 and his skin was a nice tan color unlike Ron who seemed ghostly pale all the time. I couldn't tell beneath his sweater but I was sure he was quite built from all the years of playing quidditch.

"Do you and our daughter not get along?" My Mum asked realizing the harsh tone he had used. With that question Fred blinked a couple of times.

"We get along just peachy." He responded looking at my mum with a smooth and very calm composure. "Isn't that right Hermione?" He turned to me.

"Of course we do." I nodded trying to fake the smile.

"So, why the fainting then?" My dad's voice found its way into the conversation.

"That was just my nerves." I lied.

"Why don't we leave the young couple to talk things out?" Mrs. Weasley suggested feeling the tension between her son and my dad.

"Hermione tells us you have a wonderful pond in the backyard." Mum smiled standing up getting ready to leave.

"Oh yes...Its quite lovely at this time." I watch Mrs. Weasley grab her husband's hand and motioning her free hand for my parents to follow. Dad was hesitating at first but mum manage to drag him along with her. I wanted to protest that gesture immediately but couldn't do so, leaving me with a still fueled up weasley.

"Look Granger." Fred's rude tone interrupted my thoughts. "I'm in love with someone else this marriage is not going to work."

"Because you say so or because you know for a fact that it won't work." I returned the tone just as bitter. "You being in love with someone else doesn't change this situation one bit does it now?"

"I just hope you know what your getting yourself into." He said glaring at me.

"I didn't get myself into anything but just because your angry about marrying me doesn't mean your entitle to act like a git." I told him feeling myself getting really annoyed. This was Fred Weasley the most brilliant prankster of all times, why was he acting so unreasonable? With that said I got up and started towards the door only to be pulled back and slammed hard against the wall I thought my neck would have snapped from that impact. His arms were braced on each side locking me between them. He lowered his face which was now so close to mine I could feel his warm breath on my skin. Again I felt shivers.

"I dare you to call me that again." He growled pinning me against his body and the wall.

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