And I will cry you a river...

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I had realized at that moment my hair was down. The long brown strands of it caressing down my back. He's on top of you. He's on top of you. There was a chanting voice inside my head singing it out for me. I know. I had shot back. I could barely breathe, one his chest was on me cutting of some of my air supplies and the second was that I was never in situation like this before. My heart was beating so ferociously. It was like thunder in my ears. His face was dark, not revealing any emotions at all but his body was saying something differently.

"Fred Weasley you get off that girl this instant." Hiss a very angry Mrs. Weasley storming in. We had missed the sound of footsteps. It was a good thing she had walked in when she did or there was no telling what could have happened.

"Damn forgot the protection barrier." Fred mumbled to himself. He rose slowly not bothering to apologize for the scene his mother had walked in on. He pulled me to my feet. "I won't have you taking advantage of the poor girl now. Hermione dear you have my permission to curse him if you must. We'll all understand." She walked to embrace me.

"I wouldn't have taken her on the floor if that's what your worry about. It's kind of dirty right now." Fred said not denying his intentions at all.

"FRED." She yelled. "Stop being so bothersome and leave us alone."

"You came into my house." He stated. "As for what I do with my bride is that really any one's business?" He had made his mother blush at that last comment. And I always thought nothing could do that. I felt one was creeping up on me as well. "We'll be married soon anyways, and then won't it be my right?"

"Don't you have to get to work?" I snarled placing my hands on my hips.

"And you shouldn't be late dear." Mrs. Weasley added in.

"I suppose the big boss won't like that. Wouldn't want to get in the habit of firing myself," He said grabbing some floo powder.

"And if you see George tell him that we are having a family banquet the day after next and he should bring Miss. Bell with him." Mrs. Weasley informed him.

"You want me to ask George, Even though I'm standing right here and I'm just hearing about it now. What you decided that you weren't going to invite me?" He responded coldly.

"Course not dear. I just told you. Now just replay that information to your brother." Mrs. Weasley smiled.

"I'm not your bloody servant." He said grinding his teeth. That was too far even for Fred. I mean how long can you hold a grudge? Fred was never the type to be this serious for so long but everything's change since we all got that dreadful letter. I found myself raising my right hand and before I knew it, there was contact with flesh. I had slapped him. That hurt. I screamed in my head. Mrs. Weasley had let out a gasp from behind me. Yet there was no reaction on his part.

"That's enough Fred Weasley. You should at least have some courtesy for the woman who raised you." I was tired of this spoiled little kid act. But I didn't think he was acting. He must have been really hurting.

"Diagon Alley." He growled as he threw the powder. If that venom in his voice didn't kill you that last look sure would have.

"I didn't mean to cost you two any trouble. I was here to drop off some warm butterbeer and pumpkin pie." Mrs. Weasley said in a shaky voice which made me kind of nervous.

"He'll get over it." I murmured under my breath.

"I know that he's angry right now but he would never do anything that would harm you. He's not like that." She tried to reassure me. I nodded.

"I just think that he's being defensive because he's upset about Angelina. He does love her still." I pointed out.

"But he should not treat you so badly because he's upset dear. That's not like Fred at all. And you needed make up excuses for his behavior."

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