No longer a Granger...

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The panic in her eyes was so visible, he hadn't even turned to face her yet but I saw her shudder in his grasp. I can not believe that this was the guy I was marrying. His voice sounded so demonic. It almost made me feel bad for her, but I couldn't bring myself to pity her. Then I felt him tighten his hold on my hand.

"Do not speak so highly towards me you blood traitor. If anything it is I that will be the one to do as I please." Somehow she had managed to get her fear intact and straighten her exterior enough to be herself.

"You can do anything you please as long as you stay away from my fiancée." He still didn't give her a glance.

"You're threats are empty so I suggest you let go of my hand right now." But Fred ignored her and pulled her closer to him.

"You may think that I'm a blood traitor but I know you rather have my mouth all over your body rather then any other pureblood here." He whispered those words to her, I gasps covering my mouth as I seen the people take notice of their conversation. Fred's face was only a few inches away from hers. It looked like he was going to kiss her. Though the people were curious I doubt that they heard what had been said seeing that Fred's tone was low. I wonder why I found myself blushing at those words. Why would he say something like that?

"Fred..." I tried. Her eyes widen in shock as those words hit her, her mouth open as to reply but then closed as he had struck her. The fear in her eyes had returned and she pulled to free her hand. Smirking Fred let her go and she took off running towards the distant hallways. Was she blushing from Fred's words? That was unlike Pansy.

"But I only want my mouth to be all over your body." He whispered playfully into my ear. I felt my face boiling over from that comment and I swatted his arm as he looked at me with an evil grin, raising his eyebrows.

"Why did Pansy leave like that?" I heard Ginny's voice as I pulled my eyes away from Fred's. He was back again. "Not that we shouldn't be celebrating, I mean what could you have possible said to her Fred that would make her bolt like that? She's not an easy person to intimidate." Ginny said to us.

"You don't want to know baby sister." Fred spoke placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Try me." She challenged.

"Ginny you don't want..." I tried to warn her.

"I told her I'm willing to shag her if she comes off her high horse." Fred laughed as I watched Ginny's face go from a small smile to a disturbed frown. I shook my head as her face was shrewd into disgust.

"Why would anyone want to do that? You're so gross." She snarled at him making a perfect imitation of Mrs. Weasley, and then she turned to me. "Why did you let him get away with saying something like that to that horrible hag?"

"Actually Ginny he didn't..."

"Hello." We were interrupted by a tiny Asian girl. She looked very familiar.

"Cho Chang." Me and Ginny said surprisingly at the same time.

"Hi." She continued smiling at us.

"I was wondering if you seen my husband." She was still very beautiful from the last time I seen her. Her hair was longer and she seemed to have gained a little more weight then I remembered. Then I looked over again and realized that she was pregnant.

"We don't know who your husband is Cho." I answered. Ginny was standing by Fred now and watching her. Fred give her a quick glance and turned his attention else where. He wasn't usually rude but just recently I noticed if it wasn't me or someone he liked he rarely gave them a second thought.

"Why, Neville Longbottom." She searched around the hall.

"You're married to Neville?" Me and Ginny were shocked. She laughed nodding.

Of Arranged Marriages and ButterbeerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora