Every groom's dream, Quidditch tryouts, and in-laws

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I sat in the back room waiting for them to close down the shop but it had been jammed pack with so many customers that it was near impossible for them to shut the doors. I had only just flipped to the first page when I heard the door open.

"Hello Hermione." It was her voice once again. I turned to look up at a smiling Katie Bell.

"Hello Katie." I returned the smile and patted the seat beside me. "Care to join me?"

"Sure." She nodded and sat down. "Are you excited that were going to be watching Harry in action in just a little while?" She asked just as I was about to began reading my book.

"Thrilled, I haven't seen Harry play in a long time and this must be so perfect because we all know that he's so passionate about it." I found myself entering into a conversation with her.

"I heard from George that you're going to be a healer at the St. Mungo's hospital. I always knew that you ended up doing something to help humanity." She laughed then.

"You're not weird at all about the fact that you're marrying George?" I blurted out at the sudden mention of his name. "I'm sorry that's not any of my bus..." She shook her head.

"Actually I was at first but George's such a great guy it's not impossible to fall for someone like him. And besides he's loaded." She teased winking at me. I laughed at that responds. She was taking it pretty well for someone who had no say in the matter. "I always thought that he was good looking so that's a bonus."

By the look of what happened earlier I was sure that Katie was getting along with George better than I was with Fred. The scene that just took place a couple of hours ago was so intense if Katie hadn't walked in and disturbed them, I was sure that Fred would have killed his twin. But they were close, no denying the bond that they had. Fred in the end went and embraced his brother to show that it wasn't serious.

"How are you taking all this Hermione? I was pretty sure that you end up with Ron." She laughed her blue eyes twinkling.

"I'm still trying to get use to the idea. I mean this is Fred after all." I confessed.

"With Fred I'm surprised that you're still whole. George told me that he was more than just aggressive. And that's just the sane side of him." Katie continued to smile.

"You and Angelina are friends, how did she take the news?" I asked worried.

"I'm not sure Hermione; she's marrying Oliver Wood after all. Don't be surprises if you're at his funeral before their wedding." Then suddenly she placed her hands on mines. "I think you're still a better pick for him though. You're Hermione Granger you'll present him with more of a challenge maybe it'll be good for him and he'll wise up a bit."

"You're sweet Katie but you don't have to say that on my account." I squeezed her hand.

"I love Angelina, Don't get me wrong but what has happened can not be reverse and I believe that everything usually happens for a reason and this must be good." What that blonde hair girl was saying sounded so sincere.

"Thanks Katie." I whispered softly.

"What are sister-in-laws for?" She wrapped and arm around my shoulder. "I'm just curious as to why Fred's not reacting as a groom should being married to someone as beautiful as you Hermione." I found myself blushing to that comment. She thinks I'm beautiful. There's no way. "Don't believe me? I'm pretty sure George will tell you otherwise."

"Tell her otherwise what?" The deep voice came out of no where. We turned to be greeted by a friendly smile from George.

"Hello George." Me and Katie chimed in at the same time.

"If you ladies are done we better head out, wouldn't want to miss our young Potter in action now do we?" Katie stared down at her watch.

"Goodness time sure flies." I closed the book beside me and stood up to see George offering his hand to Katie. Which she took without hesitation, I found myself smiling at their close intimacy. He had already planted a kiss along her cheek. Which I was sure no normal arranged couples would be doing anytime soon.

"Harry's not going to wait." We heard Fred yell from the other side. We arrived as the tryouts were just beginning.

"Is Ron and Ginny going to be here?" I asked George as we took our seats on the bleachers.

"I don't think so, Ron has to meet his in-laws and Ginny's...well can't say I know what she's doing." At that I remembered the forms we were suppose to sign.

"They're not going anywhere. Just relax Granger." Fred said suddenly as if he was reading my thoughts.

"Hey Fred here's an idea, why not try calling your wife by her first name?" Katie interrupted with a deadly tone.

"Hey Bell why not mind your own bloody business?" He shot back at her.

"Okay, okay." George intervene so that there was no blood shed. "Calm down so that we don't miss the tryouts." With me and George in between them all they did was glare at each other. Just as the match began I saw Katie murmur under her breath the word "Prat." I held back a giggle. Yet the twin's eyes were set on my best friend coming out on to the field. His messy dark hair and lightning bolt scar so visible.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Harry Potter." The announcer came on. Harry waved and mounted his broom. The crowd went wild. It's a shame Ginny's missing this; she would have jumped down from the stands and raced to hug Harry disturbing the whole tryout. That was Ginny though. And they were off. I found myself trying to follow everything that was going on. At one point the game became so brutal that someone got a bludger to the head and fell fifty feet almost hitting the ground until one of the referees saved him. Another was thrown of his broom at the sudden impact with another player. After that I found that I was getting drowsy and wanted to sleep. Harry won't be please if he found that you were almost falling asleep watching him play the sport he loves most. I thought bitterly to myself trying to snap myself out of it.

"Fred you said that our link should be getting stronger, so why do I feel so tired all of sudden?" I turned to glare at him with my eyes half open.

"That's just natural, you're probably just bored." He answered not even turning to look at me. "It's just your lack of sleep is all."

"I don't understand..." I tried.

"You would be in pain if it had something to do with our link. I'll know it too. Just I won't feel it the same way." He explained.

"You won't be affected by it...how come?" I was feeling so drained.

"It has something to do with the blood link." What was this blood link he kept talking about? I was feeling so exhausted that I didn't bother to ask. My eyes closed and there was nothing but darkness.

"HE'S DONE IT. HARRY POTTER HAS GOT THE GOLDEN SNITCH." The voice shouting threw me awake. I found that I was resting my head on someone's shoulder. I looked up to meet his burning blue eyes.

"LOOK." Katie shouted pointing towards the field. We turned our glaze in that direction to see a girl with long red hair running forward throwing herself into Harry's embrace.

GINNY! I thought before something struck me in the back of my head and once again darkness consumed me.

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