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1 year later...

"Harry it's our wedding night..just relax,Mom is taking care of Angel yeah,"Zayn said as he tried to relax his husband.

"Yeah..I was just worried,"Harry said.

"Tonight you let me  take care of you Bub and maybe we could give Angel a little brother,"Zayn smirk.

"Oh no mister not so soon..we are not ready for that yet,"Harry said.

"your body,your choice..so whenever you're ready Babe,"zayn said kissing Harry's lips.

"I love you so much,"Harry said.

"I love you too Bub,"Zayn smiled at Harry,They were married now,he gets to call harry his husband.

5 years later...

"Daddy..Is Papa Okay?"Angel asked as he struggled to pull herself up on the couch.

"Why..what's wrong Love?"I heard him screaming last night.

Harry's eyes widened and Zayn was trying to hold his laughter.

"I'm fine Honey..J-just a Nightmare,"Harry lied.

"Like last week..You should stop watching horror stories Dad..you get Nightmares everyday..Am I right Daddy..He should stop right?"Anhel asked.

"Yes Love..Your dad should stop with those horror stories,"Zayn said as he wanted to laugh so bad.

"Uhm..Daddy..can I go play with Laura today?"Angel asked,Laura is Lauren and Camila's Daughter she is just one year younger than Angel.

"Of course Angel..I'll take you there in a bit Okay,"Zayn said.

"Okay Daddy..I love you and you too Dad,"Angel said as she place a kiss on Harry's cheeks and walk out of the room.

"You heard her..you need to stop with the horror stories.."Zayn said as he let out a laugh.

"Yes Daddy,"Harry said teasing zayn and zayn's stopped laughing and smirked.

"That's right listen to daddy,"Zayn teased.

"I didn't mean it like that zayynnn..You're so dirty minded,"Harry said blushing.

"But you love it..oh my dear husband look at us now..who would've thought we would have ended up like this..you were my best friend and now you're my husband,"zayn said as he pull Harry closer to him.

"And we have a beautiful daughter..I have such a gorgeous husband..though it has its disadvantages like everyone trying to flirt with you and me getting jealous but I know that you are mine and no one can change that,"Harry said.

"I love you Hazza."

"I love Zaynie."

zayn pull Harry into a tight hug.

"And I love both my Dads."Angel ran and joined the hug.

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