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Time skip..

Harry is now 6 months pregnant,Nearly 7 months and he isn't going to uni because of the pain and fatigue.
His Morning sickness stopped but he still feels tired.

"Babe Our family are coming over for dinner,"Zayn said as he walk into the room.

"I'm not feeling good Babe.."Harry said his voice faint.

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor?"Zayn asked concerned.

"We have an appointment tomorrow..I just want to rest,"Harry said.

"Okay Babe..I'll go make dinner,"zayn place a kiss on Harry's cheek.

A few hours later...

Harry woke up from his nap and heard voices from the kitchen,He walked into the kitchen and saw that everyone already arrived.

"Hello Everyone..zayn why didn't you wake me up?"Harry asked.

"You looked so peaceful..I didn't feel like like waking you up and besides you needed to rest,"Zayn said as he kissed Harry's forehead.

"How are you feeling son?"Trisha asked Harry.

"I'm okay just the back pain keeps getting worst,"Harry said.

"Oh it's normal during pregnancy,"Anne said.

"Oh well I'm not getting pregnant again..zayn you're doing this next time,"Harry pouts.

"Wish I could love but the doctor clearly said That I cannot get pregnant,"zayn said.

"And it's your body Babe..if you want to have a baby again or not is your choice,"zayn smile at his boyfriend.

"I love you Babe,"Harry said.

"Love you more"zayn said.

"Get married already,"waliyha interrupts.

"Do you guys know the gender yet?"Doniya asked.

"We decided not to find out..We want it to be a surprise,"Harry explained.

we sat at the dining table and had dinner,We wer joking around and talking about the baby thinking about boys and girls name.

we turned zayn's foom into a nursery for the baby and he decorated it really well with his painting skills.

"ouch,"Harry jolted up from his seat.

"Babe what happened,"Zayn asked.

"I-it ..pain..Oww,"Harry wasn't able to form sentences.

"Zaynn..Hospital,"Harry said as he grip Zayn's arm.

Harry was rushed to the hospital and he was now in the ER as zayn pace back and forth in the hospital hallway.

The doctor came out and zayn rush to him,He was panicking.

"Mr.malik..We have to deliver the baby right now,"The doctor said.

"But..it's not even his due date..That's premature birth..Is everything okay doctor?"zayn asked worried.

"We need you to sign these paper..If anything happens to the baby or Mr.styles.."The doctor explained but was cut off by zayn.

"what do you mean if anything happens..Harry going to be safe right and my baby..our baby is going to be okay.."Zayn panicked.

"We are doing our best Mr.Malik we just need you to sign this and then we will begin with the operation,"The doctor said handing zayn a pen,Zayn signed the paper and the doctor was soon gone.

"He's going to be okay..and our little baby too..our angel..Right mom?"zayn asked trisha for reassurance as they were both in tears.

"Yes son..He is strong he will be okay..You're going to have your own family,"Trisha reassured him.

They all waited patiently while zayn pace back and forth not sitting still,He was so worried,He just want to see his boyfriend and hope that he is okay.

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