Chapter 11 (Edited)

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I woke up the next day to realize I was naked in Andy's bed and was snuggled up really close to him . I got up and ran to the bathroom and started sobbing . Mitch was right Andy did want to get in my pants and I was a fool to let him fuck me . Well when I asked Andy if he cared about me yesterday he said yes , so maybe he did care about me .

I walked out of the bathroom and realized that Andy was awake . He just looked at me like I was trash , put on his clothes and went downstairs . I felt heartbroken at the moment , but I just shrugged it off and decided to ask him what that was all about , after I put on some clothes .

I went downstairs and I saw Andy in the kitchen .

"Hey Andy ." I smiled

He didn't respond .

"So.....ummm....something wrong ?" I asked twiddling my fingers

"Yea Tabitha , you're still here in my god damn house that's what's wrong ."
he hissed

I stood there looking shocked and pissed ,"What the hell Andy ?! You fucked me yesterday last night and you expect me to leave , like it was nothing to you ?!" I yelled

"Yea actually I do !! You're just a slut so why should I care for you ?!" He seethe

Wow that stung . I'm usually the type of person that doesn't give two fucks about what you think or say about me , but coming from hurt...a lot .

"You said that you cared about me last fucking night Andrew !!" I yelled with tears coming from my eyes

"Well Tab I lied , clearly I just wanted to get in your pants ." He smugly smiled , it look like he was heartbroken when he said those words or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me

~Andy's P.O.V~

"Well Tab I lied , clearly I just wanted to get in your pants ." I hissed

I knew that I shouldn't have agreed with that asshole Mitch but I did it for Tabitha's own good , he threatened to hurt her , and I love Tab too much for that to happen .

"Oh my god Andy , your such a fucking dick !!" She spat

"Well you liked it considering the fact that you sucked it last night ." Mitch instructed me to say and I said it

I know what your thinking , how the hell can he instruct you to say something if he's not even in the presents to do so ?! Well I have an ear piece on and what ever he instructed me to say out of the ear piece , I had to say it word for word .

"You know what Andy fuck you !! You're just like the rest of my ass hole ex-boyfriends . You'll just fuck me then leave or expect me to leave , and you know what I just hope you burn in hell !!!" She yelled with tears rolling down her cheeks and stormed out the house

"Good job dick head , she hates you and now she's gonna come running to me ." Mitch chuckled

~Tabitha's P.O.V~

I'm so pissed and heartbroken right now !! I can't believe Andy would say some shit like that !! I thought he cared about me and loved me !! Well I guess not I hope he burns in hell wil the rest of my ex-boyfriend's .

You know what I'll take that offer up with Mitch after all , I took out my phone and ranged him .

~Mitch's P.O.V~

I had just finished with talking to Andy and my phone started to ring .

"Yes Tabitha ?" I smirked

"Hey ,'re not gonna believe what I'm saying but I'll actually take that offer of yours ." she sniffled , she sounded like she was crying a lot , so my plan worked better then ever

"Ok Tab where do you wanna meet up at ?"

"A-At Blu's h-house ." she cried

"Shhhh , Tab it's gonna be ok , your gonna be with somebody who truly loves you for who you are ." I smirked

"Ok , thanks Mitch ."

"No problem I'll talk to you when I arrive at Blu's house ."

"Ok , bye ."

"Bye ." I said then hung up

~Tabitha's P.O.V~

I was at Blu's front porch and knocked on the door . She opened it and jumped on me , squealing .

"Omg Tab I missed you so mu- , wait what's wrong ?" She asked

"I'll tell you when I get in the house , but it has to be just you and me so we're gonna have to go in your room ." I suggested

"O-Ok well come on in ." she smiled

I think something was up but I just shrugged it off and walked in .

"Sit down for a sec , I have to make a quick trip upstairs." she said while giving me a cheesy smile

I knew something was up , so I walked upstairs an peeped in her room . She had a guy in her bed !! She told him to get up and hide somewhere in her room (which is really big btw , she has a closet inside of another closet XD) !!

"So when I have to tell you something that's very secretive , you come inside your room and tell a very attractive guy to hide in here ?" I cocked an eyebrow

"I'm so so sorry Tab , I-I'm just too ashamed ." she said

"Of what ? It's not like you slept with- , ooohhh so you guys fucked ?!" I squealed and jumped up and down

"Y-Yea we did and stop cursing you know how it makes me feel." she nervously said

I laughed , "Really ?! Your telling me not to say the other meaning of sex ? Wow , Blu you really are something else ." I smiled

"Hi I'm Dylan ." the blonde and blue eyed guy said while holding out his hand

"Hey there !! My name is Tabitha , but you can call me Tab ." I said while shaking his hand

"You aren't pretty bad . You seem cool to hang with ." he said

"Why thank you , that's the first time I've heard that , coming from a jock , anyways can you leave please I have something to tell my best friend ." I said

"No problem and sure I'll leave ." he said and then walked out

"Oh my god !! Really ?!" Blu yelled

I told her the whole story including the part about Mitch coming by to pick me up , by the time I finished I was clearly in tears .

I sighed , "Y-Yea , so Mitch is in his way to pick me up right now ."

"Oh Tab ," she pulled me into a hug ,"Don't leave me !! You know that I'm gonna miss you ." she whined

"I know Blu but I'm tired of all this bull so it's best that I leave ." I half smiled with tears in my eyes , "I'll skype you everyday and I'll try to visit you everyday , ok ?"

"O-Ok Tab , I-I'll miss you ." she weakly smiled

"I'll miss you too Blu ." I hugged her and when I turned around I saw Andy standing in her doorway

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