Chapter 46 (Edited)

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Six months later


"Why ?" He nervously asked


"Nu-uh ."

I was sitting on the couch watching Rush Hour while Andy was in the kitchen cooking . I had the urge to use the bathroom , so I got up . Then next thing I know , I was surrounded by a pool of motherforking urine and was having a lot of pain .

Andy quickly rushed me to the car and now he's racing to the hospital and I was screaming bloody murder .

"Andy...after I have this baby....I'm.....I'm gonna kill you ."

"Babe we both now it's just the pain talking ." he chuckled

"You won't find it funny when you're in a coffin right after I have this baby ." I hissed

"What I can't hear you . I'm too busy listening to me sing ." He said turning up the radio , blasting Seen It All Before by BMTH , singing along with it

We finally arrived to the hospital and I was rushed to the delivery room . Andy followed the nurses and he started calling the guys and my dad .

"---I'm on my way ." I heard my dad say

Andy hung up the phone and continued following the nurses until they arrived to my room and placed me on the bed .

"Oh god it hurts !!" I whined

Andy stood beside me and held my hand ,"I know babe ," he cooed ,"but it will soon be over ."

"I-I love this baby , but this little fucker needs to get out and quick ." I groaned

The nurse came into our room with a smile on her face . For some reason I so desperately wanted to slap it right off her .

"Here's the medicine for the pain miss-"

"Oh just shut up and give me the damn pain killers ." I retorted

Her smile faded and she looked over at Andy . He shrugged and nodded my way , signaling for her to give me the medicine .

She walked over to me and before she could hand me the medicine I took it from her and popped it into my mouth , swallowing it with nothing to drink .

"Well- I suppose that shall help you with the pain ." She stuttered

"Yea...thanks ." I weakly smiled

She left the room and there was silence .

"Can you believe it ? Our precious little girl will be born in just a few hours ." Andy smiled , holding my hand

"Yea . I bet she's gonna be a rude bitch just like her mom ." I smiled

"Yup . Just like you ." Andy smiled , kissing my forehead

A few minutes later my dad , along with everybody else , came bursting through the door panting and dripping with sweat .

"Have you guys been running the whole time ?" I asked

"Y-Yeah ." Jinxx said , gasping for air

Andy chuckled , "Well she's just a few hours away from having our baby ."

"R-Really ? You se-seem....wait , l-lemme catch my-my breath ." Blu puffed

I giggled and waited for my best friend to speak her thoughts .

"Ah , alright . You seem so calm though ." she said

"The nurse came in with some pain medicine . Don't get me wrong , it still hurts like a bitch ." I smiled , rubbing my belly

Andy and Me (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now