Chapter 34 (Edited)

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~Andy's P.O.V~

W-What's wrong with me ? Am I that so damn devoted to CC that it came to the point of me slamming Tabitha's head on the wall ?! She's knocked out for fucks sake !! What the hell am I going to do ?! What if I slammed her too hard , I'm gonna go to jail and Black Veil Brides will be over , done , dead .

"I-I'm so sorry Tabitha ." I whispered , caressing her cheek

"Whoa dude , what the hell happened ?!"

I turned my attention to the very familiar voice and it was CC .

"Where the hell where you doing ?!" I hissed

CC looked confused ,"What do you mean ?"

"I did something horrible to Tabitha and she was yelling your name and your arse didn't come down here !!!"

"I-I ummm......passed out and what the hell do you mean you "did something horrible" ?"

I started to get angry and impatient . Can't CC just be serious for once in his damn life ?!

"Just look at Tabitha for damn sake CC !!! I knocked her out just because she wasn't taking your side !!"

CC looked passed me and looked at Tabitha , anger showing clear on his face .

"What the hell Biersack ?! Why'd you do that !!??" He hissed

~CC's P.O.V~

I looked passed Andy to see what the hell his crazy ass was talking about . Then I saw Tabitha on the floor , motionless .

"What the hell Biersack ?! Why'd you do that !!??" I hissed

"I-I don't know. She wasn't taking your side an-and I freaked . It was like I was a different person ."

I face palmed myself . Andy can be such an idiot sometimes....and people say I'm the ignorant one .

"Look Andy let's.....let's just lay her on the couch and wait for her to.....look alive ?" I suggested

"You mean awake ?"

"Whatever Andy ." I sighed

I grabbed Tab's arms and Andy grabbed her legs , we then carefully sat her on the sofa .

"Alright , well I'm going back into my room and sulk a bit ."

Andy sighed ,"Dude you did enough sulking for today . Just go to sleep and I'll be down here when Tabitha wakes up ."

I nodded and then headed up stairs . I opened the door then jumped into my bed and I went to sleep .

~Andy's P.O.V~

CC went upstairs into his room and I could tell from the sound of it , he was ready to sleep .

"Oh Tabitha , I'm such an idiot . I really hope that you can forgive me when you awake ." I said , stroking her hair

I got up from the floor so I could sit on the couch . I picked up Tab's head , so I wouldn't sit on it , and placed it in my lap .

"Look at you , you're just so beautiful . I promise on my life that I will never and I mean never hurt you again . That is unless it's in bed ." I smiled

I placed a kiss on her forehead and was about to sleep when she moved .

"Ugghh ."

"Tabitha ?!"

Just when I called her name her eyes shot open . Oh how I missed those eyes .

"Ummmm.....where am I and who the hell are you ?!"

"Calm down . We're at CC's house and I'm Andy......your boyfriend ."

She started to laugh ,"You're really funny you weirdo ."

"Wha- I'm serious !! So you don't know me ?"

She lifted up her head and shrugged ,"I'm sorry , I really don't know you . You must have me mistaken for some other chick ."

Oh shit . I really did it now .

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