Chapter 44 (Edited)

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A few seconds later Andy came downstairs with a bat and looked like he was doing drugs .

"What ?! What is it babe ? Someone tried to break in ?" He yelled frantically

"No , there's no bacon !!! I shrieked

Andy put the bat down and sighed ,"Really Tabitha ?"

"Yes Andy really . This is an emergency !! We need to go to the store now !!"

"Fine . I'll go get dressed . You should too ."

"Nahh I'm perfectly comfy in my Pickachu onesie ." I smiled

Andy groaned and went upstairs to change his clothes and came back down .

"Let's go ."

"Yay !! We're going to the store ." I squealed

"Are you sure you're just not high ?"

I giggled and slapped Andy's arm playfully ,"Shut up and let's go ."

We got in the car and drove to the store and by the time we got there I got out the car and jogged inside , Andy slowly behind me .

"Tab slow down !!" He wheezed

I walked inside and waited for Andy to come with the buggy .

"About time slowpoke ." I folded my arms

"You're pregnant , you don't need to be running around like that ."

"I'm sorry Andy ." I mumbled and looked at the floor

Andy took his hand under my chin and pushed it up ,"Hey , hey it's ok . Now let's go get you that bacon ."

I smiled and walked around with Andy behind me .

"I found the bacon Andy ." I squealed and grabbed the bacon , throwing it into the buggy

"Alright let's-" I cut him off by slowly walking to the pickle section and getting a jar of pickles .

"There's some pickles . Ooh and some ice cream ." I smiled and putting all the things inside the buggy

Andy sighed and continued to follow me around the store as I threw whatever I found inside the buggy . By the time we checked out Andy , yes Andy , paid over 200 dollars .

He drove us home and we arrived . There was a car in our driveway and without guessed I mumbled my sisters name .

"What she's doing here ?" Andy asked

"I don't know ." I honestly said

We got out the car carrying the bags of groceries inside the house .

"Tabby !!" Horizon squealed running towards me

"Whoa Horizon slow down you know what I have in my stomach ." I held my hand up and she stopped

"I know silly . I was gonna slow down when I came close to you ." She smiled

Andy was in the kitchen putting all of the groceries away and came in the living room and turned on the t.v.

"So you're here because ?" He asked

"Andy !!" I hissed

"What ? She did break into our house ." he shrugged

Horizon turned her attention to Andy ,"I came here because I wanted to tell my sister that our pathetic excuse of a father came to my house and demanded to see her and Memphis ." She retorted

Andy and Me (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon