Chapter 28 (Edited)

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What the hell are they doing here ?!

Without any hesitation , I slammed the door in their faces and tried to lock it , but it was too late . Mitch forcefully push the door open and I fumbled back , falling on the floor in process .

"You asshole !!!" I spat , lunging myself towards him

I felt a stinging sensation come right across my face . That bitch , my mom , slapped me !! Now she's really gonna get it .

I punched her in the gut and she cried out in pain , falling face first on the wooden floor .

"You bitch !!" She cried

I ignored her and turned my attention to Mitch .

"How the hell did you find me ?!"

He gave me a sly smirk and before he could respond Ashley came running in with brass knuckles and looked like he was ready to beat someone's ass .

"Oh , umm are they guest ?" He asked awkwardly

"More like trespassers ." I scoffed

"Why is that lady on the floor ?" He gasped and made his way over to the injured whore on his floor

"Tch , that bitch is ok Ashley ," I spat , "Just kick them out , they are unwanted guest ."

"Wait , this is the lady that threatened to send you to a boarding school , made her husband take advantage of you and threatened you into coming back home ?! That bitch right there on my wooden floor ?!"

"Yup , that bitch right there ." I pointed my finger at the lady on the floor

"Well Tab it seems that you replaced Andy with another man ," Mitch chuckled , "You were better off with me anyway ."

"Listen here Mitch the bitch , get the hell out of here before I call the cops and it's not gonna be pretty ."

"Ooh nicknames already . Haha we're not even a couple and you already gave me a nickname ."

I slapped him in his face and was about to punch him in the jaw when he caught my hand and punched me in my ribs and knocked the breath out of me . I cried out in pain and fell to the ground .

"Tabitha !!" Ashley yelled and ran over to me

All I remember is him saying it's gonna be alright and I heard a smashing sound .

"Mmmhhmmm , whaa- where am I ?"

I woke up in a dark room and a comfy bed feeling like shit and my head was throbbing .

"Oh god Tab !! You're ok !!" A familiar voice yelled

The person made their way over to the blinds and opened them . I squinted my eyes and put my hand over them . I could finally see who the person was and it was......Andy . Now that I think of it , I'm in our bed at the house !! How did I get here ?!

"Andy , w-where's Ashley ?"

"Oh , he's at his house . After him and Mitch fought he called the police then he called me . I drove over to his house and the police just took Mitch and your mom to the hospital and later into custody ."

"Oh-" He cut me off

"Wh-When I saw the paramedics put you on the stretcher I-I ran over to you an-and you looked pretty beaten up . I told them that I was gonna take care o-of you , so they let me take you home ."

Andy was now in tears and sobbing uncontrollably . He pulled himself over to me and hugged me . I winced from the pain because my ribs felt like they were broken .

"I-I'm sorry ," he sniffled , "Everybody's downstairs and they want to see you , do you want me to call them up ?"

I nodded and he smiled .

"Guys come up , she's awake !!" He cheered

Seconds later I heard foot steps pounding on the stairs like a pack of wild animals were running up here .

"Oh. My. God !!! Tab you're ok !!!" Mary squealed

I chuckled but I groaned because with beat up ribs like mine it hurts to laugh , "Herro guys !!"

"Oh my god , my baby ," CC cooed , "Ugh , I'm gonna beat that guys butt for what he did to you ."

"It's ok CC , I'm pretty sure Ashley and Andy got him . Right Andy ?" I asked , looking over at Andy

He smiled triumphantly , "Damn right I got him !!"

Everybody erupted into laughter .

"I knew you would beat him sooner or later Andy ." Jinxx said patting Andy on the back

"Where's Blu ?" I asked

"She's downstairs , she couldn't stand that she was the reason all of this shit happened ." CC said

"Oh , well tell her to bring her arse up here anyway !!" I smiled

The room erupted with joyful laughter and CC made his way to the door and shouted for Blu to come upstairs . She finally made her way up here and the beautiful best friend that I knew since pre-k is standing before me looking worse than me .

Her lips were cracked and pale , her brightened skin color is pale looking out of youth , her once shinny hazel eyes look dark and gloomy . She looked like she was dying from suffering too much .

"Oh Blu , what happened to you ." I said , on the verge of tears

"Ever since that out burst last week , I felt really bad and I thought you were gonna hate me for ever ."

"Awww Blu , even though what you said was very stupid of you I could never hate you ." I smiled

A tear went down her cheek and she ran over to me and gave me a hug . I ignored the pain and continued to hug my best friend .

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