Chapter 47 (Edited)

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~Picture is Tab's wedding ring~

Song of the chapter : Bea Miller - Fire N Gold

I instantly woke up with the inviting smell of food . I got up from the bed and rushed downstairs .

"What's cooking good looking ?" I chirped

"Pancakes , bacon , eggs , and hash browns ." Andy replied

I walked over and snaked my arms around his waist and kissed his cheek .

"Sounds lovely ." I smiled

"Hey , where's the baby ?" I asked worriedly

"Upstairs in her room ."

"I'll be right back ." I said , letting go of Andy and walking up the stairs

I walked into Lost's room and she was still sound asleep . Heh , an afternoon sleeper just like me . Yup , this girl is gonna be an exact replica of me .

I quietly walked out of her room and closed the door then walked back downstairs .

"The food is ready your highness ." Andy smiled

I giggled ,"Why thank you Mr. Biersack .

"Please , call me Andrew ." He said , taking my hand in his and kissing it

I blushed and giggled ,"Andy you really are just too sweet ."

"Anything for the woman who had to put up with me for half of her whole life ." he shrugged

"Awwww you're getting soft . So much for a tough rock and roller ." I smiled evilly

"Oh no you didn't just go there ." he hissed with a bit a playfulness

"Oh yes I did Andrew ."

"You're gonna get it ." he growled , walking towards me

I stood up from the chair and bumped my chest into his .

"Try me ." I smirked

That's when his eyes went from showing playfulness to lust . He grabbed me by my wrist and shoved me into the wall making me moan . Before he could do anything else I heard a faint cry from upstairs in Lost's room .

"I'll get it . You should eat your breakfast ." Andy smiled , kissing my hair and walking upstairs

I sat down in the chair and started eating .

"I don't know what I did to deserve a wonderful boyfriend ." I said to myself

Andy came downstairs with Lost . Cooing and kissing her . It's so cute so I decided to take a picture of them and post it on Instagram and twitter .

"And what were you doing little lady ." Andy chuckled

"I-I was just posting a-a picture of you and L-Lost ." I blushed

"Why are you blushing babe ?"

"I thought I was in trouble ." I mumbled

Andy laughed ,"No time for morning sex you Purdy minded woman ."

I playfully slapped Andy on his arm ,"Shut up ballsack ."

He gasped and covered up the baby's ears ,"No need for vulgar language pretty lady . We have a youthful child ."

I giggled ,"So you're calling me old ?"

"Yeah pretty much ."

"You do realize that I'm way younger than you right ?"

Andy and Me (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang