Chapter 19 (Edited)

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~picture is Oli Sykes~

"Whoa Blu this is one kick ass party !!" I yelled over the loud music

"I know right ? It's Oliver Sykes's birthday party !!" She winked

( A/N :Let's make this clear although I'm a fan of BMTH I have no clue when Oli's or any of the guys birthday is , sad right ?! XD)

I froze ,"OH . MY . GOD !!! OLIVER SYKES !!!???? The Oliver Sykes , the lead singer of my favorite band in the entire world ?!!??" I squealed

"Yup." Mary said popping the 'p'

"Omg , how did you guys get an invite ?!?" I asked

"Well we were invited by CC ." Mary said

"Wait , what ? When ?"

"The day when Andy broke up with you , right when you ran upstairs CC was telling me about a party that Oliver was having and he told us to come ." she mumbled

I could barely hear her because House Of Wolves by BMTH was blasting in my ears .

"Alright well I'm gonna go grab a drink ." I yelled

"Alright , see you when you come back ." Mary and Blu yelled

I made my way through the ocean of people and as I was passing through I bumped into somebody and their drink spilled onto the both of us .

"Oh my gosh !! I'm such a fucking idiot ." I screeched

I didn't even look up to see who it was until I heard that beautiful British accent .

"It's fine , I'm the one who should be sorry . I spilled my alcohol on that beautiful dress of yours , which by the way fits you perfectly ."

I smiled from ear to ear and tried not to fangirl .

"Thanks ." I said sweetly

"No problem ," He smirks and extended his hand out to me , " My name is Oliver ."

I smiled and quickly graded his hand to shake it , "I know who you are Oliver Sykes . My name is Tabitha or Tab for short ."

He chuckled and we stopped shaking hands , "Well there's no reason to ask if you're a fan . It's obvious that your with the paparazzi ."

I scoffed , "Please I have better things to do than spy on celebrities and make up lies to make their lives a living hell ."

He smirked , "Haha I'm starting to like you already ."

I blushed . He has no idea how much I want to scream and hug him right now .

"Thanks ." I beamed

"You're actually the first fan that didn't throw yourself at me , tried to kiss me and tried to sexually harass me ." he laughed faintly

"Haha well , I wouldn't want anybody else doing those things to me ." I smiled

Oliver was just about to reply when his drummer , Matt Nicholls , came and interrupted us .

"Sorry about the interruption , but Oliver it's time for us to play on the stage ."

"It's ok Matt ." he said

Matt nodded and made his way back through the sea of people .

"Well I'll see you later then beautiful ." he winked and then walked away

I felt butterflies in my stomach and my head was spinning . I just had a conversation with Oliver Sykes !! Squeeee !!! He just unlocked my inner fangirl . (If that's even possible)

"Well looks like your enjoying yourself."

I turned around to see CC with Blu smiling like crazy .

"So Tab how did it go ?" Blu asked

"With what ?" I asked stupidly

She scoffed and rolled her eyes and CC laughed uncontrollably .

"The conversation with Oliver dummy ." CC said in a duh tone

My face turned red just when he said his name . I hardly know him and I'm already blushing just because someone said his name !! Ugh , I'm such a crush whore .

"Oh it was-"

Before I could answer his question Oliver appeared on stage and was talking into the microphone .

"Hey everybody !! I would like to thank you for coming out and celebrating my birthday tonight !!"

Everybody cheered and clapped , with a couple of dog whistles here and there .

"I would like to dedicate this song to that special girl over there named Tab ." he smiled

I gasped when the spotlight went to my direction and landed right on me . Blush was slowly creeping onto my face .

"Alright guys , the song that were going to play is drown ." Oliver said

The song started to play and the whole time Oliver was singing he was looking right at me . God , I'm starting not to have any regret coming to this party at all .

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