Chapter 31 (Edited)

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"Nuughh ." I sat up in bed and yawned

I turned over to look at Andy and he was sound asleep . Awww he's just so cute when he's sleeping . I was in deep though about how cute he looked and didn't even realize he woke up .

"You must really like my face ." He smirked

"Yes , as a matter of fact I do ." I snuggled against his bare chest

And with that the memories from last night came flooding in . I was now smiling . I was smiling so much that my face could basically be sore .

Before my mom turned into a spineless , disgusting , attention whore she always told me that if I smile so hard it could only mean that I was in love . So in love that I couldn't describe how much I love that damn man .

"Last night must've been so amazing , you really won't stop smiling ." Andy said with a blushing smile

"Yup ," I said piping the 'p' , "sure was babe ."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked into the bathroom , leaving Andy blushing and staring at me .

~Andy's P.O.V~

Tab got out of bed and left me blushing and staring at her . She's just so care free , considering the fact she got out of bed naked and not giving a damn , that's why I love her . Yup I said it I love that crazy , weird , mean and sarcastic girl in my bathroom .

I can't tell her that though , she might not love me the same way like I love her . Wait what the hell am I saying ?! Of course she loves me back . She's living with me and we had sex last nigh . Wild naked sex . I wiggled my eyebrows just thinking about it ,
hehe .

Minutes later I heard the door open and Tab walked out and climbed back in bed with me .

"Hey there gorgeous ." I smiled , kissing her head as she laid on my chest

"Hey there weirdo ." She giggled

I scoffed ,"I call you gorgeous and you call me a weirdo . That's not fair at all Tab ."

"Awww sorry lil Andy ."

I scoffed again and mumbled ," There's nothing little about me ."

Before I expected it Tab kissed me on the lips roughly and said ,"Well you have to show me to prove it then ."

And so starts round 3 huehuehuehue .

"Andy what do you want to eat ?" Tab yelled from downstairs

"Umm Bae ?!" I yelled

"Bacon and eggs it is then !!" She cheered

I sighed lovingly . This girl really gets me . I walked downstairs and into the kitchen .

"Breakfast is almost done ." she smiled

"Alrighty my beauty ." I said wrapping my arms around her waist

"Andy I swear you are just too much . You make me blush nonstop for no reason sometimes ."

"Well I have that effect on people , my little prophet ." I whispered

"Andy stoopppp , I don't want another round right now ."

Hehe she's so cute when she whines and complains .

I smiled and poked her in the cheek ,"Sorry babe ."

"Yea , yea , here's your plate of bae ."

She shoved the plate into my face and handed me a glass of orange juice .

"Yasssss !!!! Bae , bae , bae , bae !!!!!" I cheered

~Tab's P.O.V~

I shoved the plate of bae in Andy's face so he could take it and sit down and I handed him a glass of orange juice .

"Yasssss !!!! Bae , bae , bae , bae !!!!!" He cheered

I giggled and grabbed my plate and joined him on the sofa . We sat there eating and watching A Haunted House . Then there was a knock on the door .

"Wha- Who's here ?" I asked annoyed

I was about to wake Andy up but I decided not to , he looked at peace . It was kinda scary , I though he was
dead .

The knocking started to get out of control and to keep Andy from waking up with a pissed off expression , I walked over to the door and opened it .

There stood Blu , crying her eyes out and mascara flooding down her face and I pulled her into a hug .

"Blu what's wrong ?" I asked

She then erupted into tears and my shirt was getting wet and mascara stains on it . I would shove her off of me , but she's my best friend and whatever happened she needs me to comfort her right now .

"I-I-CC is cheating on me !!" She shrieked

"What ?! When did you guys started going out !!?" I squealed

She have me a watery death glare and continued sniffling .

"Sorry wrong time . Who did he cheat on you with ?" I asked

"You'll never guess it ." She mumbled

"Was it a fan , stripper , hooker , stranger or a one night stand ?" I guessed

"No ."

"Well spill the damn beans girl !! Who was it ?!"

"Mary ." she burst into tears again and jumped back into my arms

Mary ?! I couldn't believe it !! Her own sister and Mary was suppose to be with Ashley !!! Oh hell no , Mary crossed the line and broke Girl Code (-_-)

A/N : Hey guys !! I'm so happy about how many reads and votes that I have on my book !!! Talk about excited !!! I really didn't expect this at all , so I'm all giggidy and I hope that you guys continue reading my book . Without you this book would be nothing . You guys have earned my respect and love (even though you already had) ^_^

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