Chapter 40 (Edited)

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A/N : There might be a few spelling errors and I'll try my best to fix it (:

~Picture is Tab's new clothing~

Just when I got out the shower I heard the doorbell ring downstairs . I quickly got my robe , slipped it on and went downstairs to open it .

I opened the door and Blu was standing there smiling and jumped at me , giving me a hug .

"Oh how I've missed you my little evil demon !!!" Blu squealed

"I've missed you too my preppy bitch !!" I laughed

Blu got off of me and helped me up . Then a piece of paper fell on the floor leaving us both puzzled .

"Umm what's that ," Blu asked , picking up the crumbled photo and straightening it out ,"Oh !! It's a picture of your older brother and sister !!"

My chest tightened and I nearly cried . My brother and my sister...the ones who I hardly knew but at the same time I knew them a lot .

I can't remember all of the good times we had but I do remember the time Memphis , my brother , took up for me when dad started taking advantage of me and the time Horizon , my sister , took up for me when mom started drinking and putting her hands on me .

All of that happened when I was only five and Memphis was seven and Horizon was twelve . I remember my mom saying she was taking them out for ice cream and I begged to go but she wouldn't let me . They left but the only one that returned was my mom .

When I asked her what happened to Horizon and Memphis she started beating me and then my bastard of a father joined her . I still can't believe that I actually survived that long before dad actually left .

"Are you ok Tab ?"

I looked at Blu and nodded ,"Yea I'm fine . I'm just gonna go get dressed and we can head over to the mall , ok ?"

Blu nodded and sat on the couch as I hopped up the stairs to get dressed .

I walked back downstairs in two minutes and Blu was watching The Hangover .

"Alright babes I'm ready !!" I smiled

Blu jumped out of the couch and smiled ,"Alrighty let's go !!"

~Skipping them walking outside and the car ride because I want too xP~

"Yesshhhh an emo field trip !!!" I squealed

"Yea , I wouldn't consider it as a field trip for only you Tab ." Blu giggled

"Who cares !! Let's go inside !!" I grabbed Blu's arm and pulled her inside of Hot Topic

We looked around for a while when one outfit caught my eye . I squealed running over to it and grabbing it off the rack .

"Blu look !!" I yelled

Blu looked away from the band bracelets and turned her attention to me walking over .

"Ermahgerd Tab that outfit is cute !!!" She squealed

The outfit was a blue shirt in black writing that said ,"You're so perfect I'm surprised you're not a fictional character ."

There where black and white vertical striped shorts that were ripped on the bottom and on the white stripes there were black flowers .

I got two silver necklaces , one was a crescent moon and the other was a silver locket . I spotted grey and black converse and black and white bracelets . I grabbed them and went to pay for my things and after that we left .

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