Chapter 22 (Edited)

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A couple of boring hours later Oliver pulled up to six flags .


"Really ? Ha well it's your lucky day then , I wanted to come here for today anyway ." he smiled

"Yea , even I knew you wanted to go to six flags , but I-I couldn't take you , since you hate me know ." Andy mumbled

My smile quickly turned into a sad expression . I still love Andy but I also have to prove him to never choose a career over the person you love . Plus people go nuts for him and the guys so if they break up or stop their career one day (like MCR) and get back together their fans will come running right back to them or their fan base and army will get bigger .

"Anyways let's get out so we can have some mother fucking fun !!!" I cheered

"Riiiigggggtttt ." Oliver smiled

We all got out of the car and walked inside .

"Oh my fucking god it's Andy Biersack and Oliver Sykes !!!!" Some red head screamed

"Oh shit ." I mumbled face palming myself

She ran over to us happily with her three friends right behind her .

"C-Can I have your autograph ." a green haired girl with a blonde streak in it asked

Andy and Oliver chuckled , "Sure ." they said in unison

She squealed , gave both of them a black sharpie and put her hair up so they could sign the back of her shirt .

I giggled and a blonde haired girl turn my way with wide eyes . "Oh my god !!! Andy is she your girlfriend ?!? She's gorgeous !!!"

My eyes went wide and I blushed a little and so did Andy ,"N-No I'm not his girlfriend I'm Oliver's girlfriend ."

Her eyes went from a happy blue color to a sad and disappointed blue color . "Awwww I thought you guys went together ." the blue haired girl said

Oh , I was wondering where she went, I saw her running with the rest of the girls over here .

"Yea um anyways , there you go and here are you girls autographs and we'll be on our way ." Oliver said

"Alright then thanks for the autographs !!" The group of girls yelled and walked away

"Well that was umm.....weird ." I mumbled

"Yea , but let's not worry and have some fucking fun !!!" Oliver shouted earning a few glares

I laughed , "Yea let's go you goofball ."

We have been here for two hours and it was insane !!! Six flags is now added to my amusement park bae list . After me , Andy and Oliver finished riding another insane ride , Oliver had to use the bathroom therefore leaving me and Andy sitting at the table awkwardly waiting on him .

"So...ummm how's it going ?" Andy asked trying to make a conversation

"I-Its been good....I guess . How are you and the guys ?"

"Eh , the guys are ok , they miss you like crazy though . Even Jinxx misses you ."

I frowned . Jinxx misses me ?! He's-he's the reason why i'm so fucking depressed more than ever -.-

"Jinxx ? You mean Jeremy Miles Ferguson misses me ?!" I chuckled

He laughed , "Yea , he misses you . Listen Tab Jinxx told me about what he said and I know that it was his idea but he regretted it ever since his nose turned purple and black ."

"Purple and black ?!?" I jumped up yelling earning a few glares from people and I just chuckled nervously and sat back down

"Yea I umm...I punched him in the nose outside that night at Oliver's party ." Andy blushed

He actually did that ?! For me ?!

"A-Andy . You actually did that for me ?" I mumbled hoping he didn't hear it but he did

"I did that for us Tab . I love you so fucking much that I can't even explain it . When I broke up with you , I was heart broken . I canceled the tour , I didn't eat or bathe for days . I missed you , you were like my other half and I didn't feel complete without you . Yea I sound cheesy but I mean it . I missed cuddling and having fun with you , hell I even missed you sucker punching my fans ," Andy chuckled , "it was wrong but it was sexy ."

When Andy finished talking , tears were rolling down my face like fucking Niagara Falls and I was blushing .

"Oh Andy , I missed you so fucking much , I was willing to change just for you . I was willing to be a good girl for you . No more bad attitudes , No more tagging along when you were planning on hanging with the guys and no more sucker punching your fans or army . All of that I was gonna sacrifice.....for you ." I cried

Andy cupped my cheeks and kissed my tears away . "You don't need to change for me at all Tab , I didn't mind you tagging along with me and the guys a couple of times , I didn't mind your bad attitudes I found it quite sexy when you had a bad attitude because I could handle it , but the sucker punching my fans and army part you might wanna change that ." he chuckled

I laughed and cried even more . I love Andy and I need him to be with me right now . Oliver's a nice guy and all but Andy is better , he's special to me .

I was about to hug Andy but before I could say anything he crashed his lips right onto mine and I didn't stop him .

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON ??!!??" Oliver yelled

Aw fuck !! Shit is about to go down •_•

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