Chapter 51 (Edited)

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~The Wedding Day~

Song of the chapter : Sleeping With Sirens - Roger Rabbit

~Picture is Tab's dress~

~Tab's P.O.V~

"Tab calm down , you're sweating bullets ."

"I can't help it Blu . Today's the big day and I'm just so nervous . What if Andy backs down ?"

She scoffed ,"Psh , this wedding cost over 1 million dollars . There's no way that Andrew will back down ."

I nodded and smiled ,"Plus we have a beautiful daughter ."

"Yup ."

The make-up artist put the finishing touches on my make-up and hair . He looked to see if I had any errors in it or any wrinkles in my dress , which there weren't .

"Alright sweetheart , you're good to go ." he chirped

"Thanks Antonio , you're the best ." I smiled

"Well anything for a girls special day ."

I took deep breaths and fanned my face to keep myself cooled off . My dad walked in five minutes later to see if we were ready .

"Ready princess ?"

I nodded and tried to sniffle back any tears ,"Yes daddy I'm ready ."

Yes , I invited him to the wedding . After calling him and asking for us to meet up somewhere to bury the hatchet between things in the past I invited him here . My dad did look sharp in his black suit with a bloody red tie .

I looped my arm with his and he kissed my cheek , walking me outside to the beach . I didn't really want to have my wedding at the beach . Mostly because I thought the colors weren't right for it .

As all of my bridesmaids and my maid of honor walked down the isle then it was my turn to go .

"Ready baby girl ?" My dad whispered

I took a really deep breath and released it .

"Yea dad , let's do this ."

I walked down the isle with my dad , arm in arm . I couldn't help but smile at this gorgeous scenery , it was just so beautiful and Andy was looking at me the whole time with tears in his eyes .

We arrived at the end of the isle . My dad gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and let me go . Andy and I were face to face , smiling so hard at each other .

"I love you ." he whispered

"I love you too ." I whispered back

"Dearly beloved , we're gathered here today to join this man and woman in holy matrimony , which is commended to be honorable among all men..."

The rest of what the minister said was just a blur to me . I-I just can't believe it !! I'm getting married to a guy that I've been crushing on since high school . Majority of people wouldn't end up marrying their high school sweetheart and yet here I am .

After me and Andy shared our vows , both of us in tears while saying it , we both put on each others wedding rings .

"And by the power invested in me and only me ," the minister along with the crowd of people chuckled ,"I now pronounce you Mr . and Mrs . Biersack , you may now kiss the bride .

Andy didn't hesitate to crash his lips onto mine and we were both moving them in sync . The crowed erupted with cheers and applauses . We pulled apart and walked hand in hand down the isle while people tossed Rose petals in the air .

"I was never a good father in her life , along with her sister and brother . I admit that I screwed up . I admit that all of the things I did to her was bad , really bad . But I'm glad that she found it in her heart to forgive me for all of the dumb ass things that I've done , even if I did ruin her life . If I never made the decision to get help , I would've never gotten the chance to see my beautiful daughter grow up , I also wouldn't have the chance to see my beautiful granddaughter , Lost . I love you Tabitha and I always will ."

The whole reception hall echoed with applauses along with dog whistles . My dad exited the stage and I was in tears .

"You look beautiful wifey ." Andy whispered

I could hear the smirk forming on his face as he said that . I blushed and pushed him playfully .

"Thanks , you look smexy ." I smirked

"Yeah , I know ." he chuckled

I elbowed him in the ribs and laughed ,"Whatever Mr. Biersack ."

Andy and I joked around for awhile until he begged me to go out and dance with him , while the dance floor was crowded with little kids and adults . After constantly saying no and shaking my head , he gave me puppy dog eyes . I sighed and finally gave in to his majestic blue orbs .

After dancing it was time to cut the cake . Andy and I walked over to where the cake was sitting and admired it . My character had a knife in her hand against Andy's throat and have him a kiss on the cheek . Andy's character showed fear , which is the exact opposite of that knucklehead , with his hands held up . The crowed laughed at the piece of art and Andy chuckled .

"Well let's cut the cake !!" Andy cheered

"Yeah !!" Everyone shouted

"Would you do the honors ?" Andy asked

"Well unless you want a knife to your throat like mini Andy , then I'll gladly do the honors ." I devilishly smirked

Andy chuckled and the crowed laughed . I grabbed the knife and cut a piece of cake and sat it on a plate . Andy grabbed the knife and started cutting his piece , then I grabbed his head and slammed it in the entire cake . The audience bursted into laughter as Andy sneezed some frosting out of his nose , I even covered my mouth from laughing so much myself .

"So you think this is funny , huh ?" He hissed

I giggled and tears came down my face from laughing so much ,"Y-Yeah ."

Andy grabbed a huge chunk of cake in his hands and I nervously backed up , then I bumped into someone , that someone , turned out to be two people .

Ashley and CC

Both of them grabbed my shoulders and held me until Andy came closer to smack cake on my face .

"Stop guys , le-let me go !!" I laughed

Andy started coming closer and closer , until we were face to face . I looked into his blue eyes as he was staring into my greenish-blue ones .

"No hard feelings love , I just gotta get ya back ." he winked


Andy slapped the cake right on my face making me gasp and the crowd cheer . I whipped the creamy substance from my face to see Andy laughing his ass off .

"Oh grow up Andrew ." I giggled

"Never in a million years , darling ." he smirked

This is just fantastic !! Never in my life I thought that I would end up marry Andrew Dennis Biersack . All of the ups and downs we had , the arguments , constant crying and heartbreak when we betrayed each other .

Having stepparents that treat you like the daughter they never had . I'm actually glad that my life happened the way it did . It was hard and fucked up , yeah , but if none of those events occurred then I would've never met Andy . Our beautiful daughter wouldn't be on this earth , living , breathing and seeing .

As I realize that this chapter of our lives aren't ending , no it's just the beginning .

The beginning of Andy and Me

A/N : Holy-fuck-a-roni !!! *cries* Andy and Me is officially over , dead , done , closed ): *sniffles*
I will admit that I kinda did have fun writing this book and to the people that stayed on this lame ass book , I want to thank you !! Without you there wouldn't be and Andy and Me . SO THANK YOU FOR READING YOU SEXY AND WEIRD MOTHERFUCKERS !!! Anywhore have a fucktastic day ;)

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