ch. 14: it doesn't hurt anymore

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Raelynn p.o.v.

a day after daddy told me about this Benjamin, I met him in person. daddy was with me, but momma still treated me like a pest that should be exterminated.

"so, you're Raelynn?" he asked. his voice was kind and gentle, like daddy's.

"yes." I told him simply. I'd learned never to trust anyone whose mind I can't read through momma, and he was suspicious because his thoughts were arranged in a way it was hard to know them. he nodded.

"the first thing to control any element is to summon it. you might be scared, but picture the flames you saw before on your hand, not spreading or growing or shrinking." he told me. I did, and it no longer burned. I smiled a little.

"that's good. now, try to make the flames bigger, still without spreading." he told me. I focused, and they did. I felt my palm tickle from the tingling fire, and smiled a little. I could do this. I can, and will,  control the fire, no matter what it takes. for daddy, and Renesmee, and everyone else.

and to prove momma wrong. I'm not dangerous any more than she is. and even if she never stops, at least I still have daddy and Nessie. at least I know I'm not alone.

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