Chapter 1

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The picture is what Pete looks like! :)

3 Weeks Later

[Ashton's POV]

"Hey, Ashton," Pete said from the counter as I walked into the deserted store.

"Hello, hello, Pete!" I said with a smile on my face.

"So, a lot of returns have come in today. Well, everyone who has come in has been returning stuff, so yeah. It's been pretty slow too," Pete explained.

"You do realize that we've only been open for three hours, right?" I chuckled.

"It's only been that long? Damn. It's been a long morning," Pete said as the realization hit him. "That means I have like, eight hours until I'm off."

I lightly laughed at his small bout of suffering. I must be an evil person if I'm laughing at my favorite boss' suffering. I went around the counter, seeing a small pile of merchandise, giving off the illusion that the cash register was having a garage sale.

"You just need to retag and sensor the expensive stuff," Pete told me.

Both of us worked in silence without any costumers coming in to divert our attention. I have only worked alone with Pete twice before while all the other times have included Michael as well. I wasn't used to the quietness since Mikey and I always talked and goofed off with each other or we were usually busy. Though, it's amazing how much work I'm getting done.

"You probably already know this since you and Mikey have a telepathic connection or some shit, but I called Michael to come in at like, one-ish," Pete said, breaking my intense focus.

"Why would you call him in if nobody's here?" I asked, once again wondering the method to that man's madness.

Pete turned towards me, looking at me with a duh expression. "Because I'm hungry a lot. I'm a fat man and need to indulge on Sbarro's more often than you skinny wankers. Jesus, Ash. I thought we had an understanding."

Before I could say anything more, Michael came into the store, a smug look on his face. "I can tell you missed me, Irwin."

I ran to him, jumping on him and gave him a koala hug and kissed his cheeks, trying to be all dramatic while he cringed. "Oh, Mikey! I never thought I would see you until tomorrow!" 

"Can you boys turn down the gayness?" Pete piped in.

"Are you jealous, Petey?" I joked as I got off of Michael.

"No. I have a loving cat who will give me plenty of love when I get home," he said. 

Michael and I exchanged looks and I sneakily ran up behind my beefy boss and jumped on his back, earning a surprised grunt from him. Pete turned around, trying to get me off his back, but I wasn't about to break free. I'm like a leech, dammit.

"Get the hell off me, you wanker!" Pete demanded, trying to be angry, but ended up laughing. 

"You know you like, Petey Poo!" I said through my hysterics. 

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin!" 

Immediately, the three of us quit laughing and turned towards the door, me still on Pete's back. "Mum, what are y-" 

"Nevermind that. Have you not listened to a word I've ever said?" mum asked. Soon, my siblings Harry and Lauren showed up behind her. "You should know that you can't get a boyfriend if you physically attack him! He's too old for you anyway. No offense, sir." 

"Mum, he's my boss!" We were just goofing off!" I told her, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "Can you like, leave?!" 

"Okay, okay. But we're coming back later, whether you like it or nah," mum said. I facepalmed immediately. I hated when she tried to act "hip" in front of my new friends a.k.a my boss. "Remember the dressing rooms aren't for sex, my sweet boy and friends!" 

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