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-A few weeks later-

[Luke's POV]

Ashton and I were getting farther and farther as far as intimacy goes in our relationship. To be honest, I always look forward to when my parents aren't home and Ashton comes over. Granted, if my parents knew that we were actually boyfriends, there's no way they would let us stay home alone like this. So, that's one of the benefits of not coming out to them yet.

Ashton keeps telling me that I need to tell them because he didn't like having to lie to them. I wanted to think that they were starting to get suspicious of it because I was always with Ashton, but I think that was just me. At least, that's what Ashton told me because he said that he used to think the same thing with his mum and it turned out to be that she was completely oblivious to him acting gay. She thought he was just a special snowflake.

"You're so beautiful like this," I panted to him, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes.

Ashton ran a finger slowly but suggestively down Luke's bare chest and then leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips. "You're hot as fuck like this."

Thankfully, both of us quit the conversation side of things and went back to kissing and touching each other. Not that I complained. Snogging Ashton was one of the best things in the world. We were both so focused on each other. It was as if everything else in the world disappeared and it was only the two of us left on Earth.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings!"

We broke apart from each other and snapped our heads over to the staircase to see none other than my mother standing there with a horrified expression on her face, looking like she just saw someone get murdered in front of her eyes.

I felt my heart literally fall. If it could fall out of my chest, I'm pretty sure it would be on Ashton's very toned peck about now. Both of us were lost for words, especially me. I didn't know what to say or what to do. It would be easier to explain if, well, I wasn't gay and hadn't been keeping it from them for however long.

"Ashton?!" she gasped after seeing that it was Ashton beneath me.

"Hi, Mrs. Hemmings," Ashton croaked out awkwardly.

"Would somebody care to explain to me what the fuck is going on?!" she yelled.

"Um, we were trying to find the remote?" I squeaked.

"This is no time for sarcasm, Lucas," she hissed. She looked between the two of us with narrowed eyes. "I want both of you to get yourselves fully dressed and come upstairs. I can't stand to talk to you in this...this...situation."

My mum stormed upstairs and I turned to look at Ashton. He looked uneasy, as anyone should be in that type of thing. Neither of us were moving. Honestly, I think we were both terrified of what she was going to do.

I went over to where Ashton's shirt was and grabbed it, tossing it lightly to him. I went over and grabbed my Blink-182 hoodie, not sure where my original shirt had even went. Both of us were quiet as we got ourselves put together. There was never a moment where we weren't talking to each other when we were together.

Both of us were ready to go upstairs and Ashton looked to me to lead the way. In all my years of living with my parents, I have never been more terrified of going into the same room as one of them as I have now. In fact, by the time we get up there, my mum will have probably called my dad and he'll already be halfway home.

"Just go, Luke. If we don't, the wrath will be worse because you know what she'll think we're doing, even though the moment was absolutely demolished," Ashton encouraged. I knew he was right, but I just couldn't get myself to go. He grabbed my hand, a small smile appearing on his face. "I'll be going through it right there with you."

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