Chapter 8

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[Luke's POV]

It was around five o'clock and I was alone in my house again. I know Ashton said I could go hangout with them, but I had to finish my homework first. Yet, even with my homework being down for over an hour, I still was debating whether or not I should go. I know they wouldn't mind and that they were somewhat my friends now, but I felt rather awkward around them, not as much Michael, but Ashton. He was sweet and one of the nicest people I've ever met, but I always felt nervous and felt like I couldn't make a mistake or anything.

Though, judging by how Michael and Ashton came across, they didn't seem like the type that would be quick to judge anyone. I was just awkward around people and they were the only friends that I had right now. I didn't want to somehow scare them away or come off as clingy or anything of that sort.

My phone began to ring and I hoped that it was one of my family members, but I didn't get my hopes up. I got up from my computer desk and grabbed my phone from my bed, seeing that it was Calum calling. I groaned, not wanting to talk to him and put up with his bull. With a sigh, I answered it.

"Hello, Calum," I said, trying not to sound peeved.

"Hey, Luke. What are you doing right now?" he asked.

"I'm just doing finishing to-watching a Youtube video. Why?" I said, stopping myself before I told him that I was basically a computer geek.

"Boring unless there's girls. Anyway, do you want to hangout? Brock is having a party and I wanted to show you the ropes, introduce you to a few people..." he trailed.

"One, I don't know Brock. And two, I'm supposed to meet my brothers in a little bit," I said, hoping I could get out of what sounded like a close equivalent to Hell.

"You'd love Brock. He reminds me of you actually. And your brothers would understand, I'm sure. I mean, they're not that much older than you. I'm pretty sure they've been to their fair share of high school parties," Calum said, chuckling a bit. I knew he was going to try and pressure me into going, but I just wasn't really wanting to give in. Parties were certainly not my thing. I couldn't even get myself to go visit Ashton and Michael.

"Calum, I would, but I have to finish my homework too," I lied, knowing that my homework is long since done.

"You're, like, extremely smart. I'm sure you can finish it in the next few minutes. I'll be there 5:15, so speed through it," he said, not taking no as an answer.

Before I could protest, the line went dead. I took the phone away from my ear and shut my monitor off, hurrying upstairs so I could quickly get out before Calum came. Quietly, I snuck out of the sliding door that led to the backyard, which I knew Calum couldn't see from his room since there's a huge tree in the way. I jumped the brown fence and started running towards the mall, which wasn't extremely far from my house.

I guess I was going to hangout with Michael and Ashton.

I'd rather suffer through that awkwardness than go to a party with drunk teenagers.

Once I was closer to the mall, I looked up the Hot Topic extension to see if the two boys were still working or if they went on break. It was kind of creepy, but hey, sometimes that's how you gotta roll.

"Hello, this is Pete from Hot Topic in the Sydney Area Mall," a man answered.

"Hello, can you tell me if Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford are working tonight?" I asked, feeling even creepier than I would've if one of those two would have answered.

"Well, that's classified information unless if I know who is calling," the man answered. "You never know, you could be plotting a massacre."

"I can assure you that I'm not. But, I'm Luke Hemmings. I go to school with them," I said, chuckling to myself.

"Okay, hang on just one minute, mate," Pete said, the line going quiet. I awkwardly stood on the sidewalk, feeling like I was making a spectacle of myself by standing there like an idiot. "Yes, they are working until nine tonight."

"Alright, thank you!" I said, hanging up and continued on my way to the mall.


I got to Hot Topic and casually walked in the store like I was a normal costumer as Ashton was checking out someone and Michael was restocking shelves. As I looked at the "Black Matters" section, I kept an eye on the checkout so I could approach Ashton as soon as the customer left. The girl walked out and I picked up a random shirt and made my way to the counter, where Ashton now had his back turned to me.

"Hey, could you tell me if I could get your discount on my total?" I asked, making my voice a little deeper than normal.

Ashton turned around with a bish-whet look on his face, but when he saw it was me, he broke out into a wide grin. "You're lucky I didn't break out my sass and sarcasm on you."

"Well, I was serious, but if you're going to get all bitchy on me, then forget it," I chuckled, looking at the hazel eyed boy.

"So, you decided to come out of the depths of your dark little cave to come see me?" he smiled, his eyes smiling as well.

"You could put it that way, I guess," I smirked. "You seem cooler than being by myself, playing video games."

"How sweet of you, Lucas," he said, putting a hand on his heart. "You can hang here. We'll just keep working. I can get a stool or something for you, if you want?"

"No, I'm good. If my legs get too tired, I'll just make you carry me or make my ass cozy on the floor," I smiled.

"You are quite a card there, Hemmings," Ashton said with a wink.

"Quit your flirting. You guys are making me nauseous," Michael said, walking around with an empty box.

I felt my face heat and I was pretty sure it was turning red. "I-I'm not gay."

"Than you're quite a charming boy," an older man said, appearing out of nowhere. I looked over at Ashton, who was just as red and embarrassed as I was. "Jesus, Ashton. Could you make it anymore obvious that you have a crush on this boy?"

"Shut up, Pete. I do not. I literally met this guy, like a few days ago," he said.

"And that didn't stop you from saying he was a sex god. You didn't even know his name then," Michael said.

I felt my cheeks flush even more. I figured that they were probably just picking on Ashton because his humor could come off as flirting. But Ashton was gay, so it could be possible they were telling the truth. I wasn't sure what I would say to that because one, I'm straight. I like Ashton, but I wouldn't change my sexuality for him. He's a friend and certainly wouldn't be my type anyway.

"Don't get embarrassed, Ash. He was going to find out sooner or later. You're terrible at keeping those types of secrets, even your own," Michael snickered.

"Oh, Luke, don't be flustered. We all question our sexuality at some point," the man, who I'm guessing was Pete, said.

I wasn't questioning my sexuality. I was straight. Wasn't I?

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