Chapter 5

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Picture of what Luke's room sort of looks like. 

[Ashton's POV]

I have never felt more awkward in my own skin. I mean, I know it's just me feeling this way because I'm the only one crushing on anyone at this table. And too add to my uncomfortableness, Michael made me sit by Luke. I swear, he must get turned on or something when he waches me squirm from my uneasiness and overwhelming nervousness. 

"Y'know, you guys make conversation. I'm running out of things to say," Michael said, getting my attention by kicking me. 

"I'm shocked," I mumbled, earning another kick from him. 

"Do you do anything musical, Ashton?" Luke asked. I nearly choked on my soup when I realized he was actually talking to me. 

I looked over into his sea blue eyes, nearly drooling at how beautiful they were. "I play a few things, but I mostly play the drums."

"And he sings," Michael chimed in, making me blush. 

"Really?" Luke asked, sounding and looking impressed. 

"Well, I try to sing, but I'm not any good at it," I admitted with a shy smile, watching as he nodded simply. 

"Luke, don't listen to his lies," Mikey said, hitting my arm. "He sings like an angel."

"An ailing angel," I grumbled, elbowing him. 

"I'm sure you're not that bad. Maybe we could all get together sometime and have a jam session. That way, I could see for myself," he offered, making my cheeks turn a bright crimson once again. "Do either of you have to work tonight?" 

"No," Mikey and I answered in sync. 

"Do you want to do it tonight then? We can have it at my place," he asked.

"I'm free," Michael answered.

"I'll have to check with my mum..." I trailed, feeling like a little kid for being the only one to have to ask my mother for permission.

"Oh, Ashton, please. You know she'd be onboard with it. It means you're socializing and that's what Mama Irwin wants you to do," Michael said, slightly embarrassing me. "Just text her and tell her you're going out for a while tonight." 

"Okay, Mr. Bossy," I said, firing a quick text to her. 

"Did either of you drive to school?" Luke asked.

"I did. I can drive us there if you want," Michael said.

"Okay, good. I was hoping I wouldn't have to call my brother Jack and ask him to us a ride," Luke laughed. I was curious as to why, but I didn't ask. I would probably find out tonight.

"Wait- do you have a drumset?" I asked.

"Yeah. My parents decided to let me have the whole basement as a music and art room since I have so many instruments," he smiled proudly.


"What did your mum say when you told her you were going on your first date?" Micahel asked me, leaning against my locker. 

"I didn't even know that I was going on my first date tonight. Who is this lucky suitor?" I asked, putting my dreaded calculus book into my bag. 

"Luke, you dipshit," Michael scoffed.

I stopped what I was doing and looked aat him disapprovingly. "It's not a date. It's anything but a date, especially if you're there." 

"I'm going to set you guys up together before the night's over," he said confidently. 

"He's straight, Michael," I said.

"You could change him."

"I doubt it."

"Why must you always look at the negatives, my son?" Micahel asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Who's looking at the negatives of what?" Luke asked, a frown forming on his face as he approached.

"Ashton is being a Negative Nelly about this girl he likes," Michael told him, earning a glare and punch from me. 

"You don't have to worry about me telling anyone, Ash. I wouldn't do that to you," Luke said with a reassuring smile. "We've all had crushes, so I understand how you feel completely. What's got you so down about her?" 

"It's nothing," I gulped, closing my locker, my eyes settling on Calum's posse a few feet away.

"We can talk about it when we get to my house," Luke said, his eyes on the same place mine were. 

The three of us walked out to Michael's shitty car, thankful it was all the way in overflow because the majority of people would be leaving or gone by the time we got there. 

"Please tell me you parked in the school parking lot," Luke said, a bit of a chuckle at the end. 

Michael stopped, causing the rest of us to stop as well. He put his arm around Luke's shoulders, pointing towards the strip mall down the hill and across the street from the school. "See that little black car in front of that Starbucks across the road?"

"Yeah. You didn't park there, did you?" he asked, sounding like he was going to kick Michael's ass if he was actually serious. 

"That's the common white girl's hangout. Why would I be there, associating myself with those annoying voiced, high maintenance bitches? Jesus, Hemmings. I'm disappointed you would think such terrible things about me," Michael said, faking anger, causing Luke to get a guilty look on his face. And then Michael started to laugh out of amusement. "Actually, we're right over there. God, you look like you're about to cry. Did you think I was going to beat you, Mr. Giraffe Legs?" 

"No, but I was about to question your mental sanity. I'm actually still contemplating it," he said, chuckling. 

"Don't do it. You'll have a headache in no time. I'm speaking from experience," I said, causing Luke to laugh even harder, which I didn't complain about. "And Michael, if one of those annoying voiced, high maintenance bitches gave you the time of day, you'd be on her like an Xbox."

"Don't be a dick," Michael retorted. 

"I'm being honest, bud," I laughed. 


Luke's house was nice. It wasn't necessarily big, but it certainly wasn't small either, especially the basement. It was like heaven; there were tons of band posters, was so beautiful, it brought a tear to my eye. Michael instantly went to the guitars, looking at them like they were a naked girl.

"You can play one if you want," Luke laughed. Michael instantly picked up the white electric guitar and went over to the bed, strumming it quietly. 

"This is great, Luke. I've never been in love with a room before," I told him, causing a cute smile to come across his face. 

"Thanks. I was decorating it while my parents and brothers were unpacking the rest of the house," he said. 

"Luke, did you bring people over?" a woman called from upstairs.

"Yeah! They're a few friends I met at school!" 


If I continued, I wouldn't have any ideas for the next chapter. ;)

Check out my new story The Weight!

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