Chapter 27

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[Ashton's POV]

Honestly, I actually was kind of angry with Luke. I knew it was childish, but he had promised me that it was just going to be us after school, that we were going to have alone time. But no, he had to go and make plans for us to hang out with Calum when he knew damn well that neither of us had the time of day for each other. Not only was it that, but it was because he actually thought that Calum wanted to try and be 'friends' with me. I understood that he hasn't been here all that long and didn't know Calum and mine's history all that well, but Luke knew enough that Calum was a two faced asshole. At least, I thought he did.

I knew that Luke was sincere in his apology, but I was just upset with the fact that he was blinded by the act that Calum pulled just to hang out with Luke. I didn't even understand why he wanted to, especially since I was involved. If he was ever doing anything that I was involved in, it usually ended with me being bullied.

"Ashton?" Luke asked, his voice small. I looked towards him with a blank look. "Please don't be mad at me."

"I guess the word is more disappointed," I told him plainly.

Before he could say anymore, the front door opened and in walked my mum and siblings. I told her that Luke was going to be coming over tonight, but I didn't exactly say when, so the look on her face was priceless when she saw him sitting on the couch. I was just hoping that she wouldn't embarrass me like she usually did.

"Hello, Ashton. Hello...unnamed handsome friend of Ashton," she greeted, looking between Luke and I. "Ashton, do you care to tell me who this stranger sitting on our couch is?"

"Mum, this is Luke Hemmings. Luke, this is my mum," I introduced, hoping that she wouldn't flood him with questions or oogle over him like he was some type of zoo animal.

"Oh! You're Luke! Ashton's told me a little about you! Please, call me Anne," she smiled, rushing over and shaking Luke's hand.

"Hi, Anne," he greeted, a slight blush on his face.

"I'm glad to know that Ashton has finally decided to crawl out of his room and actually socialize with people," she told Luke. And here's the beginning of many embarrassing things she'll say. "Did you meet in school or was it one of the rare times Ash decided to go out in public?"

"Yeah, actually, I met him at Hot Topic one day when I first moved here," Luke said with a small chuckle, looking at me with slightly sad eyes.

"See? Aren't you glad I made you get that job?" she said, giving me a playful yet hard slap on the arm.

"You didn't make me, mum. Michael offered it or whatever," I told her, grumbling.

"Whatever you say, my dear," she said, rolling her eyes. "I'm going to make a delectable dinner and you two go do your homework or whatever it is you boys do on your free time."

"Okay, we'll be in my room," I told her, grabbing Luke's hand and started dragging him towards the staircase.

"In that case, no sexual activities on the poor boy, Ashton!" she called after us, making me blush slightly. I hadn't told her that we were even dating yet.

"Ash, can we talk?" Luke asked.

"We just talked before my mum came home. There's nothing more that needs to be said right now," I told him simply.

"I apologized to you, Ashton. I was stupid, I get it. What more do I need to say? I don't want you to be mad at me, babe. We just started dating and I don't want us to be in a fight already," Luke pleaded.

I just shrugged. I knew I was acting like a child, but I didn't expect Luke to be blind to it and I didn't want to just brush it under the rug so he would think it was okay to do it again. "You aren't going to do that again, are you? If Calum wasn't such an asshole, I wouldn't have cared as much. But considering our history, I can't. I don't want you to get involved with him, Luke. He's a conceited, two-faced douche bag that is only using you for popularity. I don't want you hurt, babe."

"I know. I understand that he and you don't get along and I was stupid for making you hangout with him. I should have kept the plans as is," Luke apologized, repeating what he had been ever since Calum dropped us off. "Can you not be angry at me anymore?" 

"Just...don't hang out with him? I don't want to be that controlling boyfriend who tells you who to hang out with, but he's just not a good guy and I don't want you in his trap," I told him.

"Okay. I won't. I'll only hang out with him when our parents make me," Luke clarified with a small smile. 

There was an awkward silence, neither of us really knowing what to do. Sure, we've kissed each other before, but it just didn't feel like the right time to do it. I was still new to the boyfriend thing. I don't know what people do after they have a petty argument like this other than have sex or something, but I knew that neither of us were necessarily ready to do that. 

"So, does your mum know about us?" Luke suddenly asked, breaking the awkward silence. It was still awkward, but hey, now there was conversation.

"No...she knows of you, but not about us being together," I told him sheepishly. I was kind of embarrassed to tell him that I hadn't even told my mum about us yet. It wasn't that I was embarrassed of Luke because there was absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. I just knew that she would lose her shit and I wanted Luke to meet her before she knew so he knew that she wasn't completely crazy. 

"Does she know you're gay?" he wondered.

"Yeah. It doesn't bother her at all. She's actually glad I am because she's always wanted a gay son, I guess," I told him with a small chuckle. "Have you told your parents about us?" 

He was quiet for a minute. I looked over at him to see that he was looking down at his black Converse. "No."

"Do they know that you're gay?" I asked, figuring that's why he got so quiet. 

He shook his head. "I think if they knew, I would no longer be considered their favorite son or whatever. They would feel like they failed as parents and they wouldn't love me, you know?" 

I frowned at what he was telling me and gave him an awkward side hug. "I don't think that would happen because you're impossible not to love." 

"I'm just...I'm not really ready to yet," Luke said quietly. 

"I'm not going to pressure you. When you're ready to tell them, you're ready," I told him softly. 

He looked over at me, his blue eyes soft. Our mouths were only centimeters apart, his breath tickling my nose. Not being able to resist him any longer, I latched my mouth onto his. He was caught off guard at first, but then he began to kiss back. Neither of us wanted to let go, so we ended up falling back onto my bed, Luke underneath me. 

Luke wasn't shy at all, his hands roaming around my body and going underneath the waistband of my jeans. I didn't expect him to be so touchy, but I wasn't about to complain. I was so into it that I didn't hear my door open.



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