Chapter 33

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[Luke's POV]

I walked out to the mailbox, a smile on my face. Everything was seeming to be going great. There wasn't any drama, Ashton and I were happy, and I had an amazing date with my boyfriend that my best friend helped me with. My life was finally going swimmingly.

I was whistling after I grabbed the envelopes out of the tin box, but I had to quit mid-tune because someone was calling my name. It, of course, was Calum.

"Hey, Luke!" he asked, waving over at me.

"Hey, Calum," I answered, walking to the edge of my driveway to have a small conversation with him. But no, he had to cross the property line.

"What's up?" he asked, as if I was getting ready to go to the Yukon Territory instead of school.

"Just getting ready for school. I imagine that you are too," I said, shrugging awkwardly.

"I am. Hey, do you want me to give you a ride today?" he asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Nah, Michael and Ashton are picking me up," I answered yet again. It seems he forgets that they pick me up everyday.

"Still riding with those homos? No pun intended," Calum snorted.

It angered me that he was so against them and started to pull gay jokes on them, even though 2/3 of us were gay. It wasn't cool and it was rather insulting. "They're not homos, they're people. But yes, they've been my ride basically everyday since I started here."

"You need to get away from them. They're not good for you or your reputation. I'm also sick of jumping to your defense when everyone asks if you're gay," Calum commanded, rolling his eyes.

I'll have you know that I am, for one, gay, so you can go suck a dick, is what I wanted to say, but I didn't. I wanted to actually punch him in his tiny balls.

"Well, then quit defending me," I shrugged.

"What? Doesn't it bother you that people are assuming that? It's offensive, if you ask me," he said, quirking his eyebrow.

"If people want to think that I'm gay, then let them. If I don't talk to them, I don't much give a shit. Their opinions mean as much to me as the American presidential election," I told him, causing him to give me a look of even more disbelief.

"Well, alright then," he said. "I'll see you around. Have fun with the fags."

I didn't even bother correcting him and just rolled my eyes. It was no use because he would just continue to do it because he was kind of an asshole. After he was gone inside of his own house, I went back into mine, setting the mail down on the counter. I looked at the oven clock, seeing that it was about ten minutes until Ashton and Michael were to come.


"So, are you ready for tonight?" Michael asked as the two of us walked down the hall to the math wing.

"I'm nervous, to be completely honest with you," I admitted.

"Why so nervous? Ashton's going to love it. He's going to love the song, he's going to love the date, he's going to love you," Michael reassured. I gave him a small smile, but he just rolled his eyes. "I can't believe I'm getting so sappy. Especially over you two nerds."

"Deep down, you know that we're your OTP," I told him, using one of the new terms I heard some girls in my choir class using when talking about Connor Franta and Troye Sivan.

"OTP? What the fuck is that? On the piss? What the hell?" Michael asked, very clearly confused by my use of fangirl terms.

"It means one true pairing," I told him. "It's when you want two people to be together."

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