Chapter 7

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The pic is the outfits that the 3 of them are wearing <3

[Ashton's POV]

I woke up to the sound of an annoying alarm clock. For a second, I forgot where I was but then remembered that Michael and I had spent the night at Luke's. I heard a groan from the floor and then a hand shot up over the foot of the bed. Had I made Luke sleep on the floor because I stole his bed? Wow, I'm a dick.

He got up and propped himself on the bed, looking at me with his tired blue eyes. "Good morning, Ashton."

"I wouldn't say it's a good morning at six o'clock," I chuckled, slightly taken aback by his sexy morning voice.

"I agree," he laughed, looking completely adorable with his messy and flat hair. "Did you sleep good? I mean, you should've slept like a king in that bed."

"Yeah...sorry about making you sleep on the floor," I chuckled nervously.

"It's alright, mate. You fell asleep up there and I didn't have the heart to wake you up and make you move," he smiled, waking the fucking butterflies in my stomach. "I suppose we should get ready for school?"

"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea," I agreed, hoping he couldn't hear my heart beating like a race horse.

"I have clothes you can borrow," he said as he went over to his closet in the far corner of the room.

As I got off of the bed and started to walk over to him, I nearly stepped on a sleeping Michael as he flopped over onto his other side. I was tempted to kick him, but then I decided against it because I kind of wanted this time with just Luke and I to last a bit longer. I stealthily stepped over him and went over to Luke, seeing that his closet was literally split in half. There was nice shirts, like flannels and jackets, on one side and the other side was pure t-shirts.

"This is what I'm wearing, but the rest is your choice," he said, holding up a plain black shirt.

I sifted through the clothes, seeing that the boy had endless amounts of band shirts, which made me respect and love him so much more. I decided on a red flannel with a white t-shirt, figuring I had to go to work after school today, so I needed to dress good. I turned from the closet seeing Luke sitting in the recliner, like he was waiting.

"Got it?" he asked.

"Yeah. Where do you want me to get ready?" I asked him, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"You can change out here. We're all guys; we know what our bodies look like," he chuckled.

"But I' You're not uncomfortable or anything?" I asked, kind of shocked at his previous answer.

"If I turn you on, then I will take that as a compliment," he said jokingly. If only he knew that it wasn't a joke to me. "Stop acting like a girl and put your- my - clothes on."

I blushed and took off my clothes, except for my jeans, and put on the two shirts I picked out. As I was getting dressed, I couldn't help but sneak glances at Luke. His body was pretty lovely from what small looks I took. He looked up at me as I was staring and trying to get my head through the neck hole of the t-shirt.

"Do you need help?" he chuckled, walking over.

"Um...kind of," I said, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

As Luke straightened out the shirt on me, there was a gasp and both of us looked over to Michael. "Jesus! You couldn't have at least told me to go to another room?! I don't want to wake up to you two frickle-frackling! I'm already tainted!"

"What's frickle-frackling?" Luke laughed.

"Were you born yesterday? Everyone and their brother knows what frickle-frackling is," Michael said sassily.

"Well, not all of us are as pathetic and unsocial like you so we wouldn't know that," I spoke up, pulling the shirt down.

"You can walk to school, bitches," Mikey scoffed, acting like Regina George from 'Mean Girls'.

"You can go naked then," Luke chuckled.

"I was going to ask Ash where he got those clothes," he said, ignoring Luke's initial comment.

"The closet is yours. Just return when finished," Luke smiled.

"Cool. Now, go do your hair and stop trying to get in my friend's pants," Michael scoffed.

"Just for that, I'm going to leave my hair down," Luke laughed, going over and turning the light in the bathroom off.


As we walked towards the school from Michael's far away parking lot, I tugged my flannel shirt around so it would fit me more comfortably. Luke's shoulders were more broad and he was more taller than I was, so his shirts were a bit bigger on me. At least I didn't have to wear his jeans. Those would probably be around my ankles by now.

"So did either of you have homework last night?" Luke asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, a little bit. I don't have the class until this afternoon though," I said, thankful that I could do it during lunch.

"I did, but I'll probably do it during my science class," Michael said, laughing.

"Same. Procrastination at it's best, yeah?" Luke joked.

We walked into the building, me already wanting to turn around and leave because I was kind of tired from staying up rather late last night. Thankfully, our locker bay wasn't far from the front doors, so it didn't require us to hike up the stairs at this dreaded hour of the morning. We walked into our grade, seeing everyone in their chosen cliques. Calum and his friends were grouping around his locker as usual, but this time, they were spilling over so a few of them were in the way of mine.

"Do they do this every single day?" Luke suddenly asked me as he followed me to my locker.

"Yeah, basically. Calum's their ring leader, so his locker is the meeting place," I told him, sighing as I approached the two guys standing right in front of where I needed to go. "Let's move our hind ends, shall we?"

The two got out of the way, mumbling some not so nice things. I heard Luke chuckling to himself behind me, which made me smile to myself. His laugh was just so cute. Jesus, I sound like a girl.

"You're a sassy one, aren't you?" Luke chuckled.

"I can be, yeah. If you're in Calum's little posse and are usually a dick to me or my friends, I'm not going to be too peachy keen back," I told him, smirking.

"Remind me not to piss you off," Luke joked. He put his arms on the top of the lockers and rested his head on them. "Do you have to work tonight?"

"Yeah, right after school. Why?" I asked, getting my books out.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out again. My parents and brothers aren't going to be home," he told me.

"Oh, well, stop by. It gets kind of lonely in there. Plus, spending five hours with Mikey in a teeny little room drives me a little insane," I told him.

"Sounds tempting. Maybe I will stop and hang out with you guys for a while," he said with a close-mouthed smile.


The Lashton story that I was bothering you all about before has been posted! It's called Need You, so check it out! :-)

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