Chapter 16

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***Smut Warning*** ;)

[Luke's POV]

I searched Michael's face for any sort of emotion, but I couldn't find any. This was the second person I have told this to in the past twelve hours and I was hoping it wouldn't go like it did with Ashton. Finally, he just nodded, not looking disgusted or anything.

"Well, just less competition for me with the ladies," Michael shrugged with a small smile.

A wide smile crept across my face. "You're not disgusted?"

"No, of course not. I'll tell you the same thing I told Ashton," Michael said. "If you like dick, then you like dick. There's no use in me trying to change that or convince you otherwise. You don't tell me how to live my life, so why would I tell you how to live yours? I have nothing against you if you like guys, just keep your sexual escapades to yourself."

I just smiled at Michael, thankful that he was understanding about it as well. "Thanks, Michael."

"If you don't mind my asking, who all knows?" he wondered.

"Um, well, you...and Ashton. I kind of just found out about it myself," I admitted to him sheepishly.

"He was okay with it, wasn't he? I mean, I don't know why he wouldn't be since he's the same way," Michael continued.

"Yeah, he is," I told him. "Don't tell anyone else, okay? I'm not really ready to come out yet."

"Why on Earth would I want to embarrass one of my best friends?" Michael asked. I quirked my eyebrow. "Let me rephrase that - why on Earth would I want to humiliate one of my best friends by telling one of his secrets?"

"Just making sure. I know if I told Calum, I would be trending right now," I scoffed.

Michael rose his eyebrows. "You actually thought about telling him? You do realize that he would turn from your so-called 'friend' into your biggest and worst nightmare if he found out, right? He's a homophobic asshole."

"No! I would never tell him something like that just because I assumed that he was a homophobic asshole," I told Michael. "Can we watch the movie now?"

"Well, sure. Do you have any other secrets you want to tell me? Like, do you have a third head or something?" Michael joked.

"Dammit. Now you're on to me."
It was getting rather late and Michael was already passed out next to me. The movie was ending and I knew that if I were to move that I would wake Michael since he was laying on me and that I would also feel the need to stay up and watch it. I really didn't want to suffer the exhaustion tomorrow at school, so I knew that I should try and sleep, but I was wide awake and knew it was going to take a little bit longer than usual, especially since I'm not at all comfortable like this.

Carefully, I sunk down a little further so my head was comfortably on my pillow. Michael stirred as I did so, but he didn't wake up and just cuddled into me more. I didn't mind that he was doing that because he was like a giant and warm teddy bear, so the heat radiating from him helped me start to feel tired. I just hoped that my mum wouldn't decide to let Ashton in if he decided to come by in the morning. The last thing that I needed him to see was us two cuddling and have him thinking that we were together when Michael was just my other best friend.

Finally, I started to drift to sleep. The only person on my mind was Ashton and what I needed to say to him in order to get him to stop acting like he was.


"Oh, Ash, you're so hot," I said to the blonde wavy haired boy below me, bending down and kissing his soft and pillowy pink lips.

"I love you so much," Ashton panted, breaking the kiss for a mere second before he put his lips back on mine and pulled me so I was laying down on top of him.

I was slightly grinding our groins together, wanting so badly to strip us both free of our skinny jeans. Ashton's hands traced circles onto my back, slowly making their way lower. With a slight groan from me, Ashton's hands went under the waistband of both my jeans and boxers and he was lightly squeezing my bum. The boy was just teasing me now.

"These are in the way..." Ashton trailed, letting his hands go from my bum to the button of my pants as he started to undo them.

I helped by stripping off the tight pants and kicking them onto the floor, leaving me in my boxers. As I reconnected our lips, I struggled as I unbuttoned Ashton's jeans, getting them off of him as fast as I could. The feeling that our groins created now that there was only one thin layer of material between us was unbelievable. Now that I've felt it, I knew that I was going to crave it.

Ashton started fumbling with the elastic band of my boxers, teasing me by threatening to take them off, but didn't. I wanted so badly for us to be completely naked, for Ashton to be writhing in pleasure. Finally, I grabbed hold of Ashton's hands and forced him to pull down my boxers so they were now around my thighs, my hard member on his covered one.

He brought both of our hands to the top of his boxers, forcing me to start ripping them off of him so we were both completely exposed against each other. I ached to be touched from how much pleasure I was feeling and we hadn't even gotten to the sex yet.

"Lukey...I'm ready," Ashton exhaled, looking at me with his wet and lust-filled eyes.

I started kissing down his warm torso until I was just above his hard-on. I glanced up at him, seeing him nod quickly before I continued. His hands tangled in my hair as my lips wrapped around the tip of his hard-

I jumped awake, sitting all the way up as I panted. I glanced down at my pants, seeing that I was sporting a tent. I looked over at Michael, who was groaning from me throwing him off of me. I couldn't believe that I had just had a wet dream about my best friend while sleeping next to my other best friend.

"What the fuck, Luke?" Michael groaned, propping himself up on his elbow. "It isn't time to get up yet, is it?"

"N-No," I stammered, quickly bunching up the blankets on top of my very obvious bulge.

"Why did you wake me up then?" he asked, now sitting up as well.

"Just had a bad dream is all," I lied, half smiling.

"Well, go back to bed," he said, collapsing back onto the ground.

Disgusted with myself, I muttered that I would be right back as I crawled out of the fort. I made my way to my bathroom, walking awkwardly in. I needed to obviously relieve myself since I wasn't going back into that fort while I was still hard and my best friend was in there. I didn't want to give him the wrong idea.

I looked over at the time, seeing that it was only three in the morning. It was too early to take a shower and get ready for school. After I locked the door, I decided what I was going to do to get over this.

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