Chapter 23

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This is what Sylvia looks like. :)

[Ashton's POV]

I was casually checking out a customer's items and casually looking behind them at the door. We had been working for a few hours now and I was waiting for Luke to come in. I wanted to see him and I was looking forward to it. He was my boyfriend now and I could kiss him in public and I could do the annoying PDA that I hated. Michael and Pete might get disgusted, but it's whatever. They would understand because they knew how much I liked Luke. 

"Yo, Ash, pay attention," Michael said, interrupting my thoughts. 

"Huh?" I asked, but then looked down at the girl, who had her credit card in her hand, trying to hand it to me but I was too busy thinking about Luke. "Oh, sorry."

"Not a problem," the girl smiled, patiently waiting while I ran her card.

"Just excuse him. He's probably too busy daydreaming about his boyfriend," Michael chirped. I looked over at him, glaring as I felt my cheeks redden.

"Oh, you have a boyfriend? That's so cute! What's his name?" the girl asked. 

"His name is Luke," I told her, blushing majorly. 

"Aw, I'm sure you two are a cute couple. What's your name?" she asked as I handed her the receipt.

"Ashton," I said.

"Your ship name is...Lashton," the girl said with a smile. I just turned an even redder red, if that was possible.

"More importantly, what's your name?" Michael asked, turning on his flirting mechanism.

"Sylvia," Sylvia said with a sweet smile. 

"Michael, don't scare the poor girl away with your terrible flirting tactics," I told him, saving him before he got hurt.

"Oh, he won't scare me. He can flirt all he wants, I just won't flirt back," Sylvia said, causing the two of us to look at her in confusion. "I have a girlfriend."

"Wait - you bat for the other side?" Michael asked.

" you have a problem with that? Because that's weird if you do, considering your coworker here has a boyfriend," Sylvia said, putting up a front that said I'm-not-going-to-take-your-shit. 

"No, I don't have a problem with it. I'm just extremely jealous of your girlfriend," Michael said, his cheeks heating up. 

Sylvia just laughed. "What are you doing after work? Maybe Ashton could introduce me to this Luke fellow. You don't have to if you don't want to since we literally just met, but if you want..." Sylvia trailed, biting her lip as she waited for an answer. I could see that Michael was trying to contain himself, being that he was a sucker for lip biting.

"Um, yeah. He actually should be coming by soon. He said he was going to drop in, but yeah, I think that would be fine," I told her, glancing at the door.

"Alright, great. Do you guys have a piece of paper so I can write down my number?" Sylvia asked, looking between Michael and I. 

I didn't have to even lift a finger to get the piece of paper because Michael was already on top of it. Sylvia and I couldn't help but laugh because it was amusing that he had a crush on a girl who he literally had a snowball's chance in hell unless he cut off his dick. She scribbled down the number and slid across the counter. 

"Yeah, so when you guys are off, just give me a call and we can get ice cream or something," Sylvia said.

"Definitely will," I told her with a smile. "See you later, Sylvia."

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