Chapter 14

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[Ashton's POV]

I couldn't believe what I had done.

I had just kissed Luke. Not saying that I'm really regretting it because that's something I've been wanting to do since the moment I had first seen him. I couldn't tell whether he enjoyed it or not. He looked more surprised and taken off guard than anything. If he wasn't confused before, he was sure as hell confused now.

"W-why did you do that?" Luke asked quietly, his blue eyes wild.

"Fuck...I don't know! Why did you let me?!" I asked.

"I didn't really have a damn choice, did I?" Luke snapped back.

We sat there in an awkward silence, both of us fidgeting around because neither of us knew what to do or say. I have never prayed so hard for it to be time for school. I didn't really want to face Luke after this. I've dreamed of kissing Luke but I thought it would be in a romantic setting and certainly not when the kid is trying to figure out if he was gay or not.

God, I am an idiot.

What if he turns out to be straight and just pondered the thought? I would have embarrassed myself so bad. If that's the case, I'm packing my bags and catching the first flight to the Yukon in Canada. I can't possibly make an ass out of myself there.

There was a sudden car horn beeped out front and I ran up those stairs faster than a child could sing the ABCs. I got into the front seat of Michael's car and the boy looked at me and started laughing.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked.

"Nothing," I answered simply, trying to avoid eye contact with him as best as I could.

"Where the hell is Luke?" he asked.

"I don't fucking know. Stop asking me so many damn questions," I squirmed.

"I only asked you two...are you okay? Did something happen in there?" he asked.

"That's four, liar! And no, nothing happened. Zip, zero, nada. Absolutely nothing," I rambled. I was brilliant at hiding things.

"Oh, really? Alright, I'll try to believe you, even though I do know that you're lying to me," he said.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Luke coming towards the car. The backdoor opened and he climbed in. I couldn't look at him and I wasn't going to. I might have been acting dramatic, but I was one who was humiliated easily. I've never kissed anyone! I've never had the balls to go up to someone that I had a crush on and kissed them like that! It was just something I never had thought I would do because I wasn't really an initiator.

Michael and Luke were the only ones who talked for the short car ride to the school and it wasn't that much talking. Luke didn't act like anything had happened and was acting like his normal self. The kid deserves a damn Oscar because I would've never guessed one of his only friends had just kissed him to help him figure out if he was gay.

Or maybe he just wasn't letting it bother him.

I was still wanting to get away from him so I wouldn't have to suffer the overwhelming humiliation that I was going through right now. Hopefully, he wouldn't think it was a good idea to tell Michael because telling Michael would be the worst thing he could do. I would never live it down and at that point, I would just bury myself alive. Fuck going to the Yukon.

Thankfully, I had work for the next few days so I wouldn't be able to go to Luke's if he decided to ask. I could use my beautiful and poor paying job as an excuse. But the part that scared me was that I only worked with Michael for part of a shift for the most part, so Michael could still go over to Luke's and Luke could still spill the beans about what happened this morning.

I went to my locker and almost started bashing my head in because I was seriously disgusted at how I was acting like a teenage girl with this. I rested my forehead against the top of the lockers and lightly banged my head against it.

"Watch it, loser. Lose anymore brain cells and you'll be even more retarded than you already are."

I looked up to see Calum snickering with his group of douche bags. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why don't you just fuck yourself, Hood?"

"I'm surprised you didn't offer to do it for me, Ass-ton," he shot back.

"I would've if your dick wasn't microscopic," I retorted, smirking at the shocked face that Calum made. "What? Does the truth hurt?"

With that, I slammed my locker shut and rushed off to my first class. For once, something had went right today and I actually got a little self-pride back because I had insulted that stupid douche bag. One of my life goals were complete.


"Can I ask you what the hell is going on with you?" Michael asked me for what felt like the millionth time that day. "I've texted you so many times and you've ignored every one of them. It hurts, Irwin."

"I've had my phone off," I lied.

"So, you're saying that there's a ghost inside your phone that is reading my texts?" Michael pointed out. I mentally smacked myself for forgetting that my phone sends read receipts.

"That must be it," I answered.

"Come on, Ash. You know you can talk to me, right?" Michael told me as we walked into the cafeteria.

"Yeah, of course I do," I told him. I wanted to tell him but I didn't want the harassment that would come with it.

"Then why won't you? I just want to know what's on your mind and why you're acting so weird. I'm not going to judge you," he told me.

Yes, yes, you would, I thought to myself. "I'm not acting weird. Nothing's wrong."

"Bitch, please," Michael said, his voice going up an octave.

"I'm serious, Michael. It's none of your business anyway. Just lay the hell off of me," I snapped at him, sick of his constant questioning.

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to be there for you. I thought that's what best friends were for."


HALLO!!! Follow my Instagram @Irwin_Hemmo_Styles15 !!! New obsession and you can keep up with my boring life xD

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