Chapter 22

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Cute Cake picture that makes me wonder why I've never seen it until now!!

[Luke's POV]

I felt kind of weird as I walked into my house, mainly because I was now hiding a very big secret. It was weird because I usually told my parents everything and now I was keeping a huge thing from them. My mum was standing in the kitchen, humming to some annoying song on the radio. I expected her to be pissed as hell at me since I didn't come home last night. She looked to be in such a good mood and as soon as she saw me, she was going to turn into a savage murderer.

"Oh, hey, Luke! How was your day?" she said when she turned around and started putting the vegetables she had chopped into a bowl.

"It was fine," I answered, a bit taken aback by her chirpy and happy tone. Maybe she was trying the sneak attack method.

"Did you have fun last night?" she asked.

I gulped. "Y-yeah. It was alright."

"Good. You know, I really like that Michael boy. He's very sweet," she smiled, definitely catching me off guard with that.

"W-What?" I asked, nervous.

"Michael? Isn't that his name? He has the colorful hair?" she asked, giving me a confused expression. I just nodded. "He called last night to tell me that you were going to either be home rather late or just sleep over."

I just looked at her and smiled, thanking God that Michael had my back. I owed him big time for saving my ass. "Yeah, that's Michael for you. Always has to kiss up to the adults."

"Well, I appreciate it," she laughed. "By the way, Joy Hood called earlier and wondered if you wanted to hang out with Calum tonight."

"Um, why?" I asked, not wanting to sound rude because I really didn't like Calum because of how he treated my friends and boyfriend.

"Because he's grounded and she and David are going out. Basically, they don't trust him alone and want to be sure that he obeys them, and they believe that you're a good influence on him," she explained.

I remembered that Ashton had invited me to hang out with him and Michael at work tonight, which I wanted to do so badly since he was my boyfriend. I didn't want to have to ditch Ashton for a douche bag, but I knew that Joy and David were depending on me to keep Calum in line. Also, my mum would be disappointed if I just ditched Calum for those two because she's of the thinking that Calum and I are really good friends.

"So, are you going to or not? They have to leave in a little bit, so I need to call them and let them know if they're going to have to find someone else," she asked, looking at me expectantly.

"Um, yeah...I guess. I can cancel my plans with Ashton and Michael," I told her, hoping she would catch onto the fact that I didn't want to hangout with Calum.

"You had plans with them? When were you going to tell me about them?" she wondered.

"Well, it was going to be before you brought this up," I shrugged.

"What were you going to be doing? Are you able to cancel?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal. I was just going to hangout with them when they got off of work," I told her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Luke. I mean, I know they're your closest friends, but Calum's also your friend. You need to make time for all of them, okay?" she told me.

I wanted so badly to tell her how Calum was an asshole to Ashton and Michael and that I didn't really care for him because of that, but I didn't want to sound like I was making up excuses. Plus, I knew that Ashton and Michael wouldn't get too uptight about it. They understood that we had to be friends because we were neighbors.

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