Chapter 29

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MysteriouslyChanging hehe I see you girly :D

[Luke's POV]

I walked into my house at about eight that night. Luckily, I didn't have any homework because I was too tired to even want to try and attempt it anyway. I knew that I had told my parents that I would be home earlier than I was, but I didn't think that they would be too mad because they knew exactly where I was and they were happy that I had friends.

There wasn't any activity in the front part of my house, so I decided to just go down to my room so I wouldn't have to awkwardly walk into the room and have to explain everything that happened because, frankly, I didn't want to tell them because that stuff should stay sacred between my boyfriend and I.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here."

I squeezed my eyes shut and then turned around to be faced with my mum, crossing her arms and glaring at me. I gave her a sheepish smile and wave, hoping that I could be adorable enough to get out of any trouble I was in.

"Hi, mummy," I said sweetly, hoping that she wasn't mad.

"Hello, Luke. I thought you were supposed to be home at six-thirty?" she asked. She looked down at her bracelet watch. How convenient, mother. "It's eight. That's a bit later than six-thirty, don't you think?"

I nodded slowly and looked down embarrassed. "I'm sorry, mum. Dinner ran a li-"

"Dinner? I mean, I assumed you ate but it sounds like you had a feast."

"It wasn't necessarily a feast, but yeah, I had dinner with his family and she kept asking me questions," I told her, hoping she wouldn't put two-and-two together that it was a boyfriend-meets-the-mum kind of dinner.

"You're just meeting Ashton's mother and you've known him for how long now?" she asked quizzically, actually sounding disappointed.

"It isn't that big of deal, mum. You've met Ashton and Michael once and it was only for five minutes," I told her, hoping that it would calm her.

"That doesn't matter, Luke. For one, you lied to me and said that you were most likely going to be at the mall or at Michael's. And two, you were late and you didn't tell me. You couldn't even spare a few minutes to send me a text to tell me?" she scolded. "I was worried about you, Luke."

"I'm sorry. I didn't think that you would be too mad and you could've called or something. I honestly lost track of the time," I told her.

"Don't give me attitude, Luke. It's not my job to call you if you're late. You told me that you would be home at a certain time and I expected you to be here. You're the one that should have called," she continued lecturing. "I don't like punishing you, Luke, but I want you to go down to your room and go straight to bed. I'll be down to check on you in a few minute."

I just rolled my eyes. She was overreacting and I figured that it was because she hasn't gotten to have a family dinner and she was jealous. Yeah, I understood that I should've texted her and told her that I was going to be late, but I told her that I had lost track of time. She didn't have to fly off of the deep end. It was my first time being late like this anyway. It's not like I would purposely do it again. 

I went down to my room, setting my school bag in the corner where I usually did and stripped down to my boxers and put on my t-shirt and shorts. I quickly texted Ashton, telling him that I wasn't going to be able to text him for the rest of the night because I knew that my mum would most likely take my phone upstairs. It's what she used to do to my brothers, so if she didn't, I would be surprised. 

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