Forty nine

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Aries was waiting for Harry, Ron and Hermione out of the court place as her dog form, watching the place carefully.

Time skip to when Harry had his badass moment with Umbridge and said. "You're lying, and one mustn't tell lies, Dolores." While his face turned back since he was in Polyjuice potion form.

Aries, as a dog, slowly approached forward inside the court, growling like a wild animal.

Umbridge was shocked, even after seeing a random dog entering, she immediately knew what was going on, and who they are.

"I-it's that devil dog–!"

"Stupfey!" Harry casted a spell on, knocking her out.

"Aries, you can transform back you know! Before you attack someone and eat them!" Hermione said, her looks getting back too.

And finally she transformed back to her human form.

"But I didn't get to hurt that pink toad!" She said, while looking at Umbridge's unconscious fatass.

"Now's not the time!" Ron told her.

Hermione pulled Aries by the back of her shirt and let her go, just to let her know that they're running away since the ministry knew Harry Potter was inside the building along with Aries Black.

"We haven't seen Dementors in years!" Aries exclaimed, as if this was the greatest news she ever received.

"And we'd like to keep it this way!" Ron exclaimed back at her.

The trio fled from the Dementors and pelt into the atrium, racing towards the fireplaces so they can travel through the Floo Networks.

"Harry Potter!" Many wizards spotted them after the Polyjuice Potion went off, revealing their faces.

The trio pulled themselves to a single fireplace and it took them away.

Harry, Ron and Hermione ended up in the woods, and Aries ended up somewhere else, because the idiot wasn't thinking clearly while running so she didn't think of the place her friends wanted to go to.

She appeared in the sky and fell into the ocean, luckily it was near land.

Of course, suddenly falling into the ocean despite knowing how to swim will make you drown, Aries started kicking up, splashing everywhere, trying to catch her breath up there but kept failing, so she transformed to a dog and went all the way to the land.

She turned back and gasped air, falling on her back, water came out of her mouth like a fountain.

"Where am I?" she asked herself as she looked around, there was no one. Absolutely no one.

Meanwhile, with the others.

Harry and Ron got into a fight, which led Ron to leave them and go away deep inside the forest and far away.

Two weeks later.

Ron was exploring around, and then heard a pant coming from a tired person, he drew his wand out and looked around. "Who's there?"

And then he heard a familiar whimper.

"Aries." He said under his breath and rushed to his friend, she was leaning to a tree, panting. "Aries! Are you alright?!" He checked to see if she has a wound, but nothing. "What's wr-"

"Ron?" She opened her eyes and looked at him with tired eyes, but then she closed her eyes and her head fell on his chest.

Ron put his hand to her forehead quick, then his eyes widened. "It's too hot, and you're dry as hell."

He got up and carried her fast.

Harry and Hermione were outside their tent in the middle of the woods, suddenly they heard something that caught their attention, making them draw their wands out.

"Ron? oh god!" Hermione quickly ran towards them and had her hands on Aries' cheeks. "She's burning up. What happened?!"

"I'll tell you later," he said, walking past her, in the tent and placed Aries in the nearest bed he found.

"What happened?!" Hermione started yelling again. "You disappear two weeks and suddenly come here like this!"

"Calm down! I was planning on returning to apologize anyway, but on my way I saw her like this! I suppose she appeared in the middle of the ocean and tried running to us, but ended up having a fever with this cold weather." He took a breath in. "Please help her."

Harry rushed with food and forced Aries to eat, and luckily she did, and after that they let her rest.

"You realize she's the one who suffered the most among us." Harry said. "We always call her stupid, and insane, but in real, she's caring, protective and really powerful."

"Her stupidity saved her from everything." Ron said.

"Don't call her stupid," Hermione told them. "She was never stupid. She was just... she just needed to smile and joke, to make us happy."

Ron nodded and lowered his head. "Yeah, you're right, sorry."

After a while of treating her, they were outside having a chat, but then, with a spur of a moment, some people surrounded the place.

It was night, so it wasn't really clear, that Harry did a hex on himself to make his face look swollen.

Suddenly, Ron is shoved to the ground, and Harry and Hermione got stripped from their wands by some men. Also known as the Snatchers.

"Don't touch her!" Ron yelled.

Greyback gave Ron a strong punch.

Scabior painted Hermion's face with light, then to Harry, seeing his swollen eye. "What happened to you, ugly?" He said with a disgusted face. "What's your name?"

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley." Harry replied.

"You." one of the men exited the tent, no one noticing he entered there. "There's a sleeping girl in there."

Hermione's eyes widened, she exchanged looks with Ron. "D- don't hurt her, please." she said quietly while covering her mouth.

Scabior smiled. "I don't hurt pretty ladies, but if she's ugly, then you better start praying now."

"I swear! One scratch on her and— OW!"

Scabior entered the tent, and after few minutes, he got out of it, carrying Aries. "She has a fever, poor thing." He said with a soft voice. "Changing plans, boys. We're not taking this lot to the Ministry."

He gave Aries a glance, and then smirked at the trio. "This girl is pretty, I think I'm going to keep her to myself in exchange for these three."

"What's her name?" He asked, digging his fingers through her hair.

"Don't touch her!" Harry yelled.

Hermione spoke quickly. "Eileen. Eileen Snow."

"It doesn't fit her, but alright. I'm gonna have to get used to it." He said. "Come on. Take them with us."

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