Thirty five

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Four months have passed since that tragical day, the day Aries blamed herself for everything that happened and how stupid she was for not listening to her father.

Her reckless, stubbornness, continuing to fight instead of listening to her father, if she went to her mother in time, she would've saved at least one parent. But now they're all gone, all except for her brothers.

"We'll take it from here. You go find an empty compartment with Hermione while we go take the trunks back there." said Harry, taking Aries' trunk and the twins' bag.

Yes, Rigel and Cygnus were coming to Hogwarts with Aries. They were six month old, and their big sister decided to take care of them because she won't risk leaving the only family she has.

Dumbledore had a tough time when he suggested to leave the twins under Mrs Weasley's wings, but she did not want to leave their side at all.

"Come on, Aries. You're dozing off again." said Hermione, taking her wrist. "Careful, don't drop Rigel, I'll go find a compartment fast for us."

She left Aries, running fast to find an empty compartment.

Aries walked through a hall that has no compartments, instead it has open seats with so many people there.

"Where'd she go?" Aries asked herself while looking around.

Then suddenly, she appeared in front of her out of nowhere, which startled her.

"Herms! I almost dropped Rigel!" Aries scolded.

"Sorry." she said. "Let me take him, you've been holding him for hours, I'm pretty sure your arms hurt."

"No, that's fine, just make sure Harry is taking care of Cygnus." Aries said.

"I'm sure he is. now come on, I think I saw an empty compartment over there." she said, leading the way.

Aries followed her, and half the way, she suddenly almost tripped from a bag that was on the floor.

It's either she was blind, or this fool set their foot in the wrong place.

"Ouch!" Aries realized half of the person's stuff got thrown out of the bag and is on the floor. "Sorry, here let me help."

She reached for a green robe. She realized she's helping a Slytherin who plays Quidditch. A rival, perhaps.

As her hand touched the robe, almost grabbing it, the person's hand touched hers.

"Let me-"

One glance they both took, and they were shook.

Those eyes of dove feathers, not the albino kind, but the ones with a hue so softly grey that they could have been pencil drawn.

That platinum blonde, from root to tip, born to bring more wintery feeling into this world. It showed too. It showed in those soul-less bright grey eyes.

Who she was describing in her head was obviously the guy she has been crushing on. Draco Malfoy.

Aries immediately stood up, tightly holding Rigel. Draco stood up as well after she did.

"Dra- Malfoy." Aries said, looking at his eyes.

She remembered what happened in the Department of Mysteries, and how Lucius Malfoy was arrested and sent to Azkaban.

"Umm, you had a... good holiday?" Aries asked nervously.

His eyes fell on little Rigel then at hers.

"No," he answered, just like that.

"Oh... I see," she nodded and lowered her head awkwardly. "It was foolish of me to ask, I'm sorry."

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