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Aries was running through the halls, her face was red and sweaty, a very rare Aries face expression.

"Move!" she went through a bunch of students and made it in the hospital wing. "Harry Potter! Where is Harry Potter?!" she asked loudly.

"Don't shout in here!" Madam Pomfrey scolded her.

"Sorry, I was just looking for..." and here he was, lying on a hospital bed with some Gryffindors gathered around him.

"Harry Potter, I leave your side for thirty minutes and this is what happens!"

Harry helped himself to sit down. "Why are you mad?" he asked, genuinely terrified of her reaction.

"What happend?" she asked. "I was watching you like a hawk and then suddenly you and that Hufflepuff boy vanished up there and poof! If it wasn't for Dumbledore you would've been dead! Now you can't fall for no reason, you're Harry Potter so explain yourself!"

"I'm... sorry."

"I said explain!"

"It was... it was the Dementors." he answered. "They just appeared out of no where and then, I felt light. I don't know what happened next but I think this is how I fell."

"Dementors?" she frowned. "Are you sure it wasn't a jinx?"

"A jinx?" Hermione asked. "Are you saying someone is plotting something against Harry?"

"Is there something you know and we don't?" Ron asked.

"No? No! Of course not!" she then frowned and stared at the ground, remembering the drawing Draco gave her so she can pass it to Harry. "That snake." she whispered.

Neville was awkwardly staring at her, them he moved a hair off her face and pushed it behind. "Y-you were running and your hair... got messy."

"...Why are you so cute?" she spoke her mind loud.

And everyone went full silent.

"I'll... be right back."

Aries left the hospital wing without leaving a word and started heading to the Great Hall, what she's looking for wasn't there so she started roaming around, searching, she stopped at the sight of Draco, walking just like any normal human being.

"You!" she ran and slammed him against the wall, trapping him between her arms. "You did something to Harry, didn't you?!"


"Answer me, you grease ball!"

"I didn't do anything!" he insisted, and gave her a push. "Get off! You saw him fall on his own, what am I got to do with this? You know Potter and his dramatic arse!

"Then what was the paper you wanted me to give Harry? It clearly explains everything." she said, taking it out of her pocket and showing it to him. "You're lying!"

"Malfoy and Black, sitting on a tree, k—"

Aries gave that person a deadly glare. "Continue that sentence, I dare you."


Aries went back to Draco. "Apologize."

"For what? For the last time, I didn't do anything!"

"Apologize for wasting my time." she squeezed her wand in her pocket while crumpling the paper with her other hand.

"This is ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous."

"Please, you're the one wasting my time. Do you want me to give you cheap flowers for Potter? You know... for charity."

Through the Darkness | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now