Thirty eight

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"Are you feeling better now?" asked Professor McGonagall worriedly.

Aries was staring at the ceiling ever since she woke up from the 6 days coma because of the incident with the necklace.

They brought her at first in St Mungo's hospital for Magical Maladies, but after three days, they took her back to Hogwarts and inside the hospital wing. As for Katie, she was healed for a couple of days after what happened, but not Aries, she haven't spoken a word ever since she woke up.

"Here, drink some water."

McGonagall made Aries sit up from the bed and helped her drink water, it dripped from her mouth since she is so thirsty, then she made a long sigh and closed her eyes, leaning back.

"I have some questions." she said. "And I hope you're fine now to answer them. Tell me, child, who gave you that necklace?"

Aries finally looked in the eyes. "Rosemerta... Madame Rosemerta." she said, her voice was quiet, unusual for the Aries Black to be this quiet with words.

"I heard she was under control by someone. Tell me, Aries, did you see anyone else coming from her office?" McGonagall asked.


"Not even... Draco Malfoy?" she asked.

Aries frowned and stared at McGonagall with a serious expression. "Draco?"

"Potter accused him for giving Rosemerta the necklace, and she gave you it instead of delivering it directly to Dumbledore, he once saw him looking at it in a shop at Knockturn Alley."

"No, no way!" she said, getting up, shocked. "Draco would never hurt me, I know him!"

McGonagall placed her hands on Aries' shoulders to calm her down. "Calm down. I know he didn't do anything, he was in detention with me that day for failing a test twice. You tell that to Potter, because he's determined that it's Malfoy."

Aries covered her face and sighed. "Am I allowed to get out of here?"

"If you're alright."

Aries immediately swung her feet off the bed.

"Your twin brothers are with Snape, as usual." said McGonagall. "If you're wondering."

"Thanks, Minnie." said Aries, then left he hospital.

Aries was back, yes. But seems like everyone was in class, that's why the dorm was empty, so was the halls.

After changing into her Hogwarts clothes and robes, she started to look for Snape, but then saw a Professor, and she told her that he's teaching, with her brothers.

So Aries stayed in the Great hall alone. Minutes passed, she got bored.

So she made herself comfortable and laid down on the seats as if it's a bed and looked at the ceiling again.

Another minutes passed, she took a nap. But suddenly, she heard people talking.

Aries opened her eyes and rolled off the chairs, and saw half of the students, standing there and were watching her in shock.

"How are you still alive?" A girl asked, genuinely curious. "You got hurt so many times, and still survive."

"Honestly, I ask my self the same question everyday." Aries said, with a shrug.


Oh, now she was going to receive a big Hermione hug. And there she was, running toward Aries, and glomped her.

"You idiot! I missed you!" she said.

"You get dropped on solid rocky ground, cursed and you're still here, breathing?! I swear she's going to live longer than a hundred years." said Ron in shock.

Harry and Ron hugged her after.

"It's good to have you back." said Harry.

"I quite realized that it's hard to live without your sarcasm and sass." said Ron.

Aries was very confused. "But why are you three acting like you haven't seen me in years..."

Hermione and Ron sat down and started to eat, except for Harry, he looked like he was waiting to talk to Aries.

"So, are you alright now?" asked Harry.

Aries nodded. "I'm fine."

"Did you see who gave Madam Rosemerta the necklace?" he asked.

A long sighed escaped her mouth. "No, but I'm sure we'll find out soon." she said. "Is Katie alright?"

"She's better."


Awkward silence.

But it got interrupted after Aries saw Draco entering the Great Hall, which made her happy to see him.

"Draco." Aries called, and was about to get closer, but Harry blocked her way.

Draco looked at her, and froze.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Aries asked, and again was about to go to him, but he blocked her. "Harry!"

"I don't want you with him."

Aries was about to argue, but she saw Draco, ignoring them completely and going to his Slytherin table, looking depressed.

Seeing him doing this left her in shock.

"Professor McGonagall told you, didn't she?" He said. "I swear, Aries, I swear that I saw him there. I'm doing this because I don't want you to get hurt—"

"You don't know what youre saying." she told him.

Harry sighed and grabbed her out of the Great Hall, somewhere with no people walking around. As soon as he let go of her, she harshly shoved him aside.

"Are you crazy?"

"Sanity is highly overrated." Aries argued. "Harry, you know nothing about Draco and what he's struggling with, you keep making him sound like the villain, it's starting to sound stupid!"

"Aries, enough." said Harry. "I know what I'm saying because I saw him! you just love to argue about everything–"

"Says the chosen one! I argue about everything because no one understands me! you have no right to tell me what I do, I've spent half of my life in a cell with no one to talk except for my father!"

"It's not my problem you went there in the first place!"

"Hey, it's Harry Potter! The Chosen One! The Master of Death! I said. "The number of fucks I give about you is the equivalent to the number of living relatives you still have. Hermione and Ron gonna have to sit this one out because I'm about to give you a proper family reunion." Aries said, pointing her wand at him.

Aries suddenly felt her Mark starting to sting. Anger is giving it power,and she should've just walked away sooner.

"Take it back." said Harry.

Aries, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!

Aries took a long inhale by the nose, and she broke her wand in front of him, dropped it on the ground and left.

"You fool." she told herself and face-palmed with a disappointed sigh.

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